#22.5 | OMWTFYB !!!

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* this is 22.5 bc it's one of those chapters that have nothing to do with anything + it's not in chat form so i just put it as .5 LOL *

you can skip this chapter if u want. it's not like you'll miss anything important BAJSJSJ


[y/n] bit her lip as she stood on the corner of the street with her phone in her clammy hands. It wasn't like her to be so nervous like this but today was a big day for her. It wasn't a normal Saturday afternoon for her here in Japan. Today was special.

The sun was high in the sky, and it was blazing hot. The sweat that beaded on her skin was not only from the heat but the anxiousness she felt waiting for the friends she was supposed to meet up with soon. They seemed to be running late or maybe she was just way too early for once. Or maybe she had gotten the designated meeting spot wrong? Or they stood her up-

"That's her!" A shout jerked her out of the intrusive trance she was in, forcing her to focus on her surroundings. Her [e/c] eyes widened when she was greeted by the intense gaze of six pairs of eyes. They examined her, glazing over her appearance, resting their eyes on her face as they approached her quickly.

A whoosh of wind flew past her and a face appeared before her, so close that she could feel his breath on her face. His pretty, light eyes gazed into her soul with a bright smile to accompany it. "[y/n]-san, do you remember me?"

His tone was energetic and sweet, almost as if he was hoping to the gods that she had remembered him somehow. Despite this being the first time they had met in person, he really did hope she would have at least remembered his name or something close to it. He hadn't been gone that long, right?

The confused look on her face erupted panic within him. All of a sudden, the confusion washed away as she pointed her index finger at him in recognition. "Naruhaya-kun?" [y/n] knew se had gotten it right based on the way his expression brightened and his body did a strange dance of excitement. "It's nice to meet you! Your hair is a really cool color!"

He reached up, running his calloused fingers through the puffy blond locks that he suddenly felt proud about. "Thanks. Your hair is pretty cool too." As much as he wanted to reach out and touch the closest strand to him, he was cut off by a husky voice that interjected on behalf of the group.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we want to say hi too," the tall, buff ginger said with a neutral face, not really caring that he had butted into the small moment Naruhaya and [y/n] were having. The sight of his prominent and tone muscles made her lips part, knowing damn well who this man was. "Hello."

[y/n] beamed nervously. "Hi, Kunigami-kun. You're way bigger than I expected you to be." The words slipped out of her mouth naturally and it was a little too late to fix her wording. Naruhaya snickered—only to be smacked in the chest by [y/n] shortly after.

"I mean, uh, I guess," Kunigami trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck when a slight tint formed on his cheeks. He assumed it was her way of complimenting him, which made it harder for him to function normally around her. "It's nic-"

"Hey! Do you remember me? It's me, Imamura!" The brunette boy with round cheeks said. His smile was somewhat flirtatious as he pushed past others to stand beside her, bowing politely. The sight of this behavior made Kunigami and Naruhaya shoot him a flat look since he was talking about the dirty messages girls were sending him about two minutes before they arrived. "You look a whole lot prettier in real life. Sheesh."

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