Other Side...

143 18 37


Jungkook let out ragged breaths as he locked the door. He could hear the music on the other side, Jin calling to let him in. He didn't know where he was, or what he was going to do. 

The room was bright white. Tiles converting the floor and walls. A sink attached to the wall, and a clawfoot tub in the corner. 

Jungkook shook away the fear pulsing through his veins. Moving around the room to find a way to escape. There were no windows and no skylight. The only way out was the way he came in. With the two others outside Jungkook was NOT going back out there.

Jungkook ran his hands over the walls hoping to find something. A tile shook under his fingers, realizing it was loose Jungkook quickly tried to pull it free. Although, the tile remained on the wall. Thinking too quickly and seeing no other options Jungkook landed a firm punch. 

The tile shattered on the impact and a few pieces fell to the floor. Jungkook ignored the beads of blood pooling on his skin. Pulling the rest of the loose tile off the wall. A small hole was visible so Jungkook did the logical thing.

Stick his hand in the hole. 

At first, he didn't feel anything. Then something smooth brushed against his fingers. Taking hold of it and wiggling it out of the cavity, Jungkook discovered it was a jar. Pulling it out and examining it. Some type of murky liquid inside.

As Jungkook kept looking at it he stuck his other hand back in the hole to see if there was anything else. Feeling something slightly squishy, Jungkook cringed at the texture but pulled it up regardless. 

It was about the same time he realized what was in the jar. A hand. The squishy thing in the hole? Eyeballs. Jungkook stared into the black dilated pupils and blue iris'. Jungkook dropped both objects as he stumbled backward.

Suddenly feeling nauseous as his vision blurred. Leaning over the sink and watching his blood drip down onto the porcelain. The music still ringing from the outside.

The feeling building up until eventually, he punched the wall above the mirror. Cursing under his breath as the blood from his knuckles dripped down faster. Only to see a small shine from behind the tile. Pulling it off just as he did before, exposing a mirror above the sink. 

Jungkook sighed as he looked at his disheveled reflection. Jumping as a figure appeared over his shoulder. Although, when he looked over his shoulder he couldn't see them. Blinking and wondering if he was hallucinating from blood loss. 

He couldn't have lost that much could he?

The figure was mostly black, skeleton shaped, with no eyes and one hand. Pointing at Jungkook.

Jungkook shook his head as the figure pointed at him again, mouth full of teeth moving but no words coming out. But it kept pointing at him.

Jungkook then realized it wasn't pointing at him, but behind him. The hand and the eyes still on the floor. Jungkook scrambled over to pick them up again, trying not to gag as he held them out in front of the mirror. 

The figure reached through the mirror and took the items from him. Only to reach out its hand once more. More peaceful, almost as if, offering it to Jungkook.

Not seeing how it could be worse than the situation he was already in. Hearing the banging on the door and the loud music. Jungkook took the hand and was pulled into the mirror.








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