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Mean while in another location.

"What do you mean you failed!" A man shouted through the phone showing the full amount of his anger. Pacing back and forth while also biting his nail the man speaks again "what am I even paying you for if you can't even complete a simple job. How bad are your skills if you can't even catch a little girl. Dang it!" Taking a deep breath to try and calm himself down he start to talk again "Then how about the other job how did that go?" This time he actually waited for a reply instead of shout and rating to the other person across the phone.

After such a long time the other person on the phone could finally speak and he took full advantage of this "Don't worry boss although the later part of the plan went wrong we definitely did the first bit right. Alexander Windson will definitely find the evidence that we left behind at the attack scene that points towards Luke Hudson as the master mind behind the attack. The only bad point is that instead of the girl Zoe you arraigned to save him didn't get there fast enough and a young man saved him instead. However I'm sure that the man was there by accident and that he won't get in the way of the plan.

"Hmmm you better be right or it will be the end for you." The man who started the conversation replied before hanging up and transferring the man the money that they agreed on from his off shore account.

Back to Luke

Going back towards his office Luke decides to check over all the recent reports ready for the staff meeting that would happen in half an hour.

Finishing with some time to spare Luke decided to go to the meeting room early so he could observe the staff members as they came in. Sitting in a corner where you can't be seen be the people who walk in Luke relaxes and waits.

By the time all the staff arrive Luke is finished with his assessment of them all so he walks out of the corner and towards his seat seeming to make the staff who didn't know that he was there jump while some also show some worry. Ignoring all the stairs Luke sits in his seat before saying "Okay let's start with the meeting."

After a long hour the meeting finally finished and it was now lunch time. Letting the staff go Luke walks back to his office to grab his coat so he could go out to a restaurant for lunch, a new habit that he started when he took over the body. Walking out of the building Luke took a deep breath of the air and walked to his usual restaurant that he goes to for his lunch.

Nodding towards the staff that greet him he walks towards his usual table on the second floor one where he can see the entrance a habit from his last life.

Finished ordering he takes a sip of his tea as he watches the world outside the window while also splitting his attention towards the entrance already expecting what is about to happen.

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