chapter 13

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It was around 5 o'clock when Alfonio actually left me to do whatever i wanted to. True to his words, he didn't leave my side for the entire day. The twins and Estian came back to the mansion at around 3, and Anthony joined the two of us in our movie marathon. I heard my phone ring, and yes, i have finally changed the ringtone, and i picked it up thinking it is Ethan. "Whats up buttercup?"I say in a singsong manner. 

"I'll tell  you whats up." Came Martha's voice from the other side. And she was angry. Oh shit.

"MY DAUGHTER HAS NOT CALLED ME ONCE SINCE SHE MOVED TO NEW YORK!! NOT EVEN A TEXT TO TELL US THAT SHE IS FINE!! DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE??!! I WAS A SECOND AWAY FROM FLYING THERE AND SMACKING YOU WITH A ROLLING PIN!! Have you eaten yet? God i swear if i hear a no, i am going to drag your ass back here YOU HEAR ME TAYLOR ROSE VÀZQUETO!! Are they treating you well? If not give the Ander guy the phone THIS SECOND YOUNG LADY!!" I moved the phone from my ear, otherwise i would have gone deaf. In the background i could hear Ethan telling her to calm down. This idiot couldn't have covered for me? Time for payback.

"Martha i am so sorry. I wanted to. Yesterday when i was talking to Eth, i asked him to give the phone to you, but he said that you didn't want to talk to me and, and i was so worried and anxious whether i had done something wrong and you were mad at me for that. I am so sorry." I dramatically ended, sobbing for extra effect. The result was spectacular.

"ETHAN WILLIAM GRASTIAN! YOU LIED TO HER!! DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY FOR YOURSELF? I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU!" Martha shouted. Ha, serves him right. "Mom she is lying, i would have told you . And why would i say that you don't want to talk to her." I heard Ethan in the background. 'You should be glad i am not grounding you. Oh and Taylor, why was Ethan muttering about your safety? Is something the matter? Did your brothers do something?"  Of course he would do that, i shouldn't have told him about the mafia thing. "Oh no, they are treating me fine. You know over Ethan always worries a lot about everything? It is just that don't worry." I tried to reassure her. "It better be that." I heard Nathan. "Yes dad, now gimme the phone." Came Eth's voice.  

"I hate you soo much Rosie, so so damn much." 

"Nope, you WOVE me." 

"Unfortunately." He sighed.

"Anyways, i gotta go. I'll call you tonight."

"I'll be waiting. Bye love."


After ending the call, i decided to go downstairs as the cousins would be coming any time soon. I looked at what i was wearing, a hoodie and sweatpants. Good enough.

With that i went downstairs to see everyone already there , in the living room. There was only space beside Estian, so i had to sit there. "They are on their way, and will arrive shortly." Said Leander. Estian tensed and tightened his fists at that. I was confused with his actions, and when the rest of the boys were busy with themselves, i turned to him.

"The boys or the girl, who are you less immediate with?" I then asked.

"Tilly. The triplets and i are really close."

"Not your favourite person in the world?' I asked.

"She is my sister." Came his reply.

"No one in this family knows how to answer a damn question." I muttered

He smiled lightly at that.

"No, i am not necessarily fond of her." He answered after sometime.

"The reason?"

He remained silent at that.

"And what should i expect from our dear cousin?"

"A bit bratty, snobbish, arrogant, ignorant and...yeah that's bout it."

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