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Q: Please suggest some books like Bellona, and this is a bit private, but how old are you??

A: I personally have not read a story where the protagonist is like Taylor, which is basically why i decided to right this story. However, there are a couple stories that gave me a some idea as to how to go about the story like:

a) Zara by moon_cursed

In this, the protagonist is not physically strong, but her mind works like a computer. 

b) Never underestimate the broken by merrystory_

This is an amazing story, so go check it out.

c) Beyond the eyes by justairpodswithleash

Lucia is actually really badass, so check it out. However the book has not been updated in long..

d) The lost mafia daughter by randomweirdo23

Another great book, but hasn't been updated in long...

 Also, i am going to be 15, i wanted to keep Taylor's age close to mine. 

Q: What inspired you to write this story??

A: I did not find a book where the female lead was like Taylor, so i decided to make it myself. 

Q: How do you feel about the bond you have with the recent readers (I mean the ones who keep threatening you...LOL)

A: I love you all, except the times when you threaten me, which is all the time..so connect the fucking dots.

Q: Also, what is the secret of you getting so much exposure, reads, votes, etc??

A:  I..do not get THAT many votes and all compared to other similar stories, but i just wrote what i wanted to. Write a good story.. keep the readers engaged with not only the story, but also keep conversing with them..and yeah, i think that's it.

Q: How are you feeling from the love of all your readers?

A:  -_-

Q: Where will you hide if angry readers come to threaten you???

A: Where i always hide, in the pantry...a girl needs her food.

Q: Who is Taylor's love interest , Ethan or someone else? And please suggest some stories similar to Bellona

A: I plan on making Ethan the love interest, because of two reasons: 

1. I feel like Taylor will not be able to share the pain and torture she experienced with Ramirez, with anyone else (except her blood, maybe). So, she needs someone who has been there with her throughout, someone who understands her even when she does not say anything, someone who knows her like the back of his hand, and Ethan fits the description perfectly. 

2. I am scared of my readers. 

Q: Choose between the following: 

->ice-cream or pizza 

A: Pizza, duh.

->Italian or Thai cuisine

A: Italian

->pineapple or watermelon

A: Pineapple.

->diamonds or rubies 

A: Emerald  ;P

->glass pebbles or stone pebbles 

A: Stone pebbles.

->green tea or black tea 

A: Coffee


->readers or readers

A: Author, aka me.

Q: What are your comments on 'innocent readers' of your book (me included)

A: I love you all so so much, and am so grateful for you support, but my loves, lower down on the threats please. 

Q: How do you feel about the nick name chair? Do you think we readers can become professionals in naming people?

A: All i can say is, do not name anyone else, or everyone would be a furniture.

Okay, now I have some questions for y'all.

1. Country/ Continent?

2. Siblings? If yes, an embarrassing incident with them?

3. Sneakers or sandals/heels?

4. Makeup or no makeup?

5. Mirror selfie or normal selfie?

6. Five things you will take if you get stranded on an island?

7. Mountains or beaches?

8. Skydiving or deep sea diving?

9. Cheetos or Pringles?

10. Android or ios?

11. Sunrise or sunset?

12. Book recommendation?

13. Leander or Estian?

14. Favourite triplet?

15. Andi or Ethan?

16. Charlotte or Ramirez?

17. Anthony or Alfonio?

18. Pineapple on pizze. Yeah or Nah?

19. Favourite season?

20. Shorts or skirts?

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