Abhi Is Hurt

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"Ramya.... Ramya.... What are you doing?? Open the door" Sowmi shouted from outside knocking at the door.

Ramya came to her senses and recollected
everything happened sometimes back. She cried sitting down on the floor, his words echoed in her ears again and again. Hearing her crying sound, Sowmya became anxious. She asked her to open the door immediately. Ramya wiped her tears and opened the door. Immediately seeing her sister, she hugged her and cried on her shoulders, Sowmi panicked seeing her younger sister.

"Ramya....tell me what happened ?? " Asked Sowmya worriedly. Ramya didn't reply and continued to weep.

Sowmi thought for a moment and asked her, " Did Abhi Mama scold you??
Is there any problem between you both??".

Ramya stopped crying, broke her hug and looked at her sister intensely. She said,
" Sowmi.... He is a really good man. I don't have any complaints against him ". Sowmya felt relaxed seeing her sister praising her husband.

"Then why are you crying?? At Least tell me that?? " Asked Sowmya.

With a hesitation Ramya said, " Suddenly I remember our village, house and my friends so, I broke down in tears" Ramya lied to cover up.

" Really you are still kiddish Ramya... Will you cry this much for that??I was scared that something big would happen. Let's go for dinner, come down, all are waiting for us" said Sowmya and tried to take Ramya along with her.

Ramya denies it by saying that she wants to take a bath and change her dress. So she asked her sister to go down first. Sowmya obliged her words and went downstairs.

After Sowmiya left Ramya locked the room, rushed to the washroom and started to cry under the shower. His last words echoed in her ears.

"Kindly tolerate this ugly face for sometime"

She realised the pain he went through because of her rude words. She felt ashamed thinking about her act, she realised that she shouldn't have mentioned about his looks, she felt guilty. She cried for sometime, later she took a bath and changed her dress then went down.

When she went for dinner, Sowmi was cleaning the table. She said everyone had dinner and left for the garden area for chit chat sometime.

Without a thought Ramya asked,
" Did he also have dinner ?? ". She bit her tongue thinking about the question she asked. Sowmya looked at her teasingly and asked," Whom you are asking??"

" Haan.... Appa... I'm asking about Appa... Usually he won't eat without me right ?? So I asked " Ramya tried to give some lame excuses. Sowmya understood her sister's secret and left silently with a smile.

Ramya was unable to eat her food sinking in his thoughts, she remembered how he supported her and skipped his breakfast once for her. But now?? She felt that he started to ignore her. (Poor girl she didn't know that he too didn't eat well. He pretends to have food only for others sake)

She didn't know the exact reason but she had tears thinking about his changed behaviour towards her. After dinner both the sisters went to the lawn to join with others. Sowmya went near Akash and sit beside him, Ramya was confused about where to sit, she was feared to go near him.

" Ramya what are you thinking, go and sit with Abhi " said Mil. She too obliged her words and moved near him.

Abhi moved aside and gave her a space, she sits next to him. He tried to move as far as possible and seated with a distance between them, Ramya noticed all this. They all were talking about something else but Ramya didn't pay attention to any. Sometimes she secretly noticed whether he was looking at her or not, she was disappointed when he didn't turn to her side.

" Ok... Ma... Tomorrow morning I have to catch my flight. Let me go to sleep, already I'm so tired" said Abhi by getting up from the lawn.

" What?? Where are you going Abhi" asked his mother.

" Amma... Already I told you I have to goto Mumbai for some official work. I will be back by next week" said Abhi.

" Are you out of your mind?? Only today Ramya came here, she would like to be with you. She is new to our family, you have to make her comfortable so, spend some time with her. I have booked the tickets and hotels for both, the new young couples honeymoon. Get ready for that" said his mother strictly.

Abhi looked frustrated and rubbed his neck, he was already annoyed with his mother about this conditional marriage. Now, when she forced them to stay together, he lost patience.

"Amma....Why are you forcing us for everything?? I told you before and I'm telling you now also, I don't want to start the relationship forcibly. And moreover next week she has to join her new college. And she has to do some formalities before that. This is not the right for other things. If you want you can send Akash and Sowmiya for a honeymoon, don't disturb us " said Abhi and left the place immediately. Following him Ramya too left the place silently.

His mother was stunned at his outrageous behaviour. Akash consoled her and asked her to give some time to both of them. Sundaram and Sowmiya too obliged, they said Ramya is very sensitive and she needs some time to adjust in her new life. Janaki was in thought, she was determined not to give up soon.


Abhi felt bad for disrespecting his mom infront of all. He threw things in anger, he asked himself, " Why are these all happening to me?? Oneside my wife hates my appearance and is waiting for a moment to leave me, on the other hand, my mother wants us to stay together forever. What will I do?? Whose side I will take?? How will I manage this?? " He went into his office room and locked inside.

Ramya came to her room and worried to see the things scattered on the floor, she picked up all and kept aside. She felt guilty for hurting him badly, she knew because of her statements he ventured out his anger on his mom. She walked near his office room and tried to knock on the door. But later she gave up the idea and went to the sofa and sat on it. She thought to give him some time to cool down.

She looked at the office room door and waited for him to come out, the time was half past twelve there was no sign of him. Slowly she felt sleepy and slept on the sofa by putting her hands under her head.


Next day morning Ramya woke up late, she felt sleepy, rubbed her eyes and got up from the couch. Only then she realised she slept on the couch waiting for him last night. She looked at the door and it was still locked. She felt bad that he didn't come out yet. Is he still angry with me??

When she was about to get up she realised that she was covered by a quilt and a pillow was under her head, instantly her face became bright. She said to herself, " It means yesterday night he came out from the room and did this for me. So his anger was reduced". She felt immense happiness. Happily she arranged her bed on the spot and went to the washroom to finish her morning chores.

After a while she came out from the washroom and kept on looking at his office room to know whether he opened it or not. While watching his room and walking she hit something hard and was about to fall. Before that he held her with his arms, her eyes widened in surprise. She realised it was his hard chest which she hit a moment ago. He was fully covered with sweat, just now he returned from his jogging. He looked at her without a blink, she looked lost in his eyes.

Breaking their moment he moved away from her. He said " You need to be careful, it's not good to be careless everytime while walking". He walked past her and went to the washroom, she blushed looking at him.

To Be Continued...


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