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Suzy shook me by my shoulders and I realised that I have been standing without giving any response.

"Where are you lost? Anyways you understood the job right and please for this job you must be patient sometimes people may just boss you around and be rude because you are in a lowere post but keep your calm or you might lose the job."

And I just nodded if Shushant wants me to work as a peon, if he thinks this is the ideal job for me, if he thinks this I'm good at then so be it.

I will answer him back with my work.let me show him that I'm not a weakling.

And with this thought I smiled and nodded again.

"Good now your first task prepare coffee and serve around so people .ay know about you and then they will start assigning you work. Now chop chop, go ahead" she dismissed me with a wave of her hand and I just gave a small smile and eent to the pantry.

Why Shushant is this my worth. You were the one who suggested me to join the work here so that I don't get bored.
Was this your plan to crush my hopes.
I'm not saying that peon is a humiliating job but you clearly wanted me to get embarassed.
And I know you won't want anyone to know that I'm your wife or else you will get another reason to hate me.

Why is this love turning out so sad for me. I love you but clearly you don't even care about me.

I sighed And then putting a fullstop to this thought I arranged all the coffee mugs on a tray and walked to the near tables to offer my service.

Few hours later here I'm infront of the Xerox machine.
Copying and printing these unlimited files which were handed to me while serving the coffee.

Now I know why everyone was so glad that a peon has finally joined here.
There are unlimited of paper works to vmbe done and every time there's some mistakes the printing had to be done again .

And these people how much they eat.

Suddenly the landline kept on my table rang .

"Shradha? Hi it's Suzy. Please bring two cups of coffee and some snacks fir the guest in Mr.Woodland' cabin right now" she said and quickly hung up.

I sighed and stopped the printing and quickly made some coffee and snacks and marched to the editor's cabin.i.e Mr woodland's cabin.

I entered the cabin after I got the silent cammand to enter,I served the coffee on the coffee table kept infront of the client and Mr. Editor. And moved a little back ready to exit when Mr.woodland stopped me.

"Are you new here?" He asked

And I simply nodded
"yes sir today is my first day, myself Shradha"
I replied

He nodded with a smile and gestured me to leave after wishing me good luck with the new job.

I scoffed at that.

Luck in this married life seems like a dream. Why Shushant? Why did you do this?

The floor is empty and the last person to leave before me has already left i.e. Suzy.

Peon gets to leave last right.

I switched off the lights of the floor and made my way down.

As soon as I reached the elevator the private elector opened and shushant stepped out.

And his gaze fell on me

"Shradha!" He came near me and frowned looking at my blank face

"Why didn't you come to my cabin when you're work was done. I waited for you but then thought you must be talking with some of your colleagues and when I got really worried I called Suzy and she told that she already left you were just ready to leave.
I know you like this work but don't stress yourself on the first day okay and whenever you get late you will inform me. Now let's go I'm damn hungry."

He said all these without taking a pause and grabbed my hand dragging me towards the elevator.

I'm confuse with his behavior how can he behaved like this as if he didn't hire me as a peon in his office. He is acting as a caring husband. What are you doing shushant? If you can act ignorant to all these then so be it. I will also not yet a single ufff.
You want this right then t you will get it.

If struggling a bit will give me your caring side then so be it it, at least it's better than the ignorance I have been getting all my life.

"So how was your first day ?" He asked as soon as we settled ourselves in the car

But before I could open my mouth to answer a voice from the back seat answered on my behalf.

"Oh common Shushant look at her face. It shows how tired she is seems like she couldn't stop working. After all that post was empty for so long so so much of work would be pending. Right shradha?

"Yes,it was tiring.uhh shushant this post-"I tried asking making sure if this post is really what he wants for me

"Yes I know shradha, this post was empty for so long. All the workers were struggling with the documents but now that you are there fir them their work will become easier and they will be on the right track now"

"So you thought that me doing this job will be the best for me and for them"
I asked in a low voice.

"Yes I trust you that you can do this type of job just fine. as per my observations of your nature and work you do at home is the reason I personally assigned you that job. you have great responsibility Shraddha do the work properly. It will make me happy"

I nodded and looked out if the window and secretly wiped a year which dropped down my eyes.

"Let's go to sone nice restaurant and have our dinner" Shikha suggested and shushant agreed before igniting the car.


And I'm so happy I got heighest number of comments in the last update 🤭

Sorry I promised that I'll update earlier but I was down with the dever because of vaccination and my phone and laptop was taken away ....as it would worn me out according to my mummy.

But it's still better than once in few weeks update😅👉👈

Anyways don't fear vaccination it's for your own good
It will just trouble you for a day or two because that's how vaccination works and then it will save your life in future so don't fear it. it's not threatening to your life.💉
I don't know why people are fearing vaccination and thinking that it will kill you but IT'S A LIE


Maybe people think this because they are illiterate about the working of vaccination.🤔



Thankyou guys for being the first one to vote on this part




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