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Queen_9876   thankyou for being the first one to vote and comment in the privious chapter.


Shushant's mother has left the room to take some rest while I'm here sitting beside the the bed on a chair changing the wet cloth on his forehead every minute so that his temperature doesn't rise up.
He is still sleeping.

As his temprature is low I should go and quickly make some vegetable soup because as this fever is not due to cold or throat infection chicken soup may shoot up his temperature again ..... vegetable soup must help him.

I quickly went downstairs and made the vegetable soup.

When I stepped inside the room
Shushant was already sitting with his eyes still sleepy.

"What time is it?"
He asked

"1pm ...you slept well I guess" I replied to which he just hummed

"But why are you here weren't you supposed to be at your parents' place?" He asked
To which I sighed I kept the soup bowl on the side table and poured a glass of water fo him

He was still looking at me hoping for an answer

"I-... well you were not well and you needed me" I said not looking into his eyes not knowing how will he react.

He just hummed and was lost in his own thoughts like he was analysing something very seriously

"Well here have this soup, it will be good for you"

He looked at the bowl and scowled he made a funny face which was kinda cute.

''No it's not looking nice and I bet the taste is even worse''

Uhhhhhh he is being a child I see

"Come on shushant don't be a kid now you are sick and you should have this" I tried to explain him as if he were a child.

"But it's looking so ugly what vegetables are in it anyway.......
..wait! is there a peanut in it? I'm sure you would want me to suffer ....you are so evil"

Okay I guess this fever has done something serious in his head
I mean yesterday he was being so rude and now behaving like a small innocent child

I laughed
I seriously laughed my lungs out that I had to hold my stomach and wipe my tears

I looked at his face and returned back to laughing

Can you believe he has a pout on his face with a furrow on his forehead.

Shushant was staring at shradha with  a small smile on his face

It's the first time he is seeing shradha actually laughing

He was snapped back into reality by shradha

"Shushant you look so funny
Ok now please have this soup it's really good for you and no it do not have a single peanut in it."

Shraddha then brings the a spoon of soup to his mouth which he accepts keeping his gaze still fixed on his wife.

Halfway through a thought popped into shushant's head.
Yesterday shikha was acting so strange seeing his allergies as if she was disgusted.

He remembered how today morning as he woke up shikha asked him to leave saying to return after he was well and when he insisted to staying by her would comfort him she was admitted and snapped saying she can't risk the rashes to transfer to her skin and she can't stand seeing his face in such state.
It hurt him yes but he couldn't stop comparing shikha and Shraddha.

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