Different Pain

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Three days later

You open your eyes, you're curled up on the right side of the bed, you feel Nat's hand strokes your whole body with her fingers tips. Your back is in front of her and you can feel her fingers along your arms, you know she is there to help you and show you that she is there for you.

Wanda opens the door a few seconds later.

You give her a empty stare and you look away.

She comes close to you and kneels in front of your face without saying anything. She looks at your face, she pulls a lock of hair from your face with her finger and you close your eyes.

W- Hi baby.

You open your eyes again. You put your hand delicately on her belly without saying anything, just your hand on her warm skin.

W- This little guy right here is fine but i'm not a fan of morning sickness.

You make a slight smile appear before you make it go away remembering that Tony will never be able to see him...

A tear runs down your cheek and you put the hand that was on Wanda's belly on your face to hide it.

Nat gets up from the bed and comes next to Wanda as they watch you you close your eyes thinking about Tony

You bring your legs even more against your chest so that you are even more curled up in the blanket as you cry a little.

Wanda looks at you with tears in her eyes, she feels sad to see you in such a state.

N- I know what to do...

They leave the room leaving you in the room, alone, sad.


About an hour later you haven't moved, no one has come to see you, you haven't stopped crying thinking about good memories you had with him.

Suddenly you hear someone come in the room, you don't care who it is, you don't want to talk to anyone.

This person comes slowly to you, sobbing

She crouched close to your face and stroked your forehead, you open your eyes slightly and you recognize Pepper's blonde hair. When you realize that it's her you open your arms and hug her

Y/n- Mom...

You say as your voice cracks.

P- I'm sorry I should have come earlier but I didn't have the courage... Wanda and Nat came to see me telling me that it had been 3 days since you had not eaten.

Y/n- Mom i'm so sorry, I couldn't save him I-

You say, crying

P- No it's okay, it's not your fault, I love you Y/n, my little baby

She tells you crying lightly and stroking your hair.

P- Wanda and Nat didn't want you to force yourself to eat because they know you are not in good shape-

She takes your face in her hands and looks you in the eyes

P- You need to eat...

Y/n- I'm not hungry mom...

P- Yes you are.

You take a look behind Pepper and you see Nat and Wanda, Wanda with a slight smile and a plate in her hands.

She comes up to you with the plate and gets on the same height as Pepper.

Y/n StarkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant