13| Dance Champ

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Thank goodness Hailey was right behind Ross with a basket of fruits, snacks and hamburgers. That was exactly what my starved ravenous body needed. Although I was hungry as a bear lion and lying on a hospital bed, I couldn't help analyzing their fashion. Hailey was wearing a frilly pink blouse that accentuated her fair complexion and a black silk skirt that didn't reach her knees. Something I definitely approved of. On the other hand, Ross was oozing charm in his graphic sweater, light- wash jeans and fancy boots.

"Ryan what are you doing here?", said Hailey in a very tense and harsh tone. I always liked how she was little severe, little sassy, strong willed, straight forward yet quitely pleasant. When she is grilling anyone, she had this cold intimidating demeanor that causes the receiver to shake and quiver in his/ her boots. Believe you me, I could see bullets of sweats materializing on Ryan's face.

"Haile, everything is okay. Ryan was leaving", I added.

He could clearly sense that his presence was a nuisance like a house fly settling on your food, with sticky feet you can't tell where it had been. "See you later" he said while walking away shyly. When he reached the door, one hand already on the handle, he paused, shot me a smile. "Get well soon"

Running a hand through my hair, dragging its stray strands away from my sweaty forehead, I turned to look at Ross. In all honesty, I did not owe Ryan an explanation as to how I know Ross. Why was I even worried about it in the first place? Clear case of over thinking and eagerness to please; combined with my non threatening, empathetic nature, people tend to make the miserable assumption that I am a pushover. So when I show my wild side, they are bewildered.

My eyes had been trailing the basket long before the two got to my bed. Mouth opened and salivating, I snatched a hamburger- which I had long been eyeing- from the basket ready to munch it away. While most people would prefer chicken soup when sick, hamburgers have always been my go to. Super grateful, Hailey knew me so well.

Midway through my munching, I observed Hailey fidgeting with the hem of her skirt and Ross had that should we tell her now or wait kinda look.

"Actually Alison, there is an issue. Mr Deon Cole wants to see you. I was told to give this letter to you." I hurriedly ripped it apart and devoured its content. In short, I was being summoned to the Hall master's office in relation to the fight that happened.

" Is this what it has come to", I sighed. "Am the only one who thinks this is an over stretch."

"You just go and find out what it is all about. For all you know, it could be nothing", Ross chipped in.

How did I not realize that my parents were right all along?
Why did I simply toss their advice aside?
Why go share a room with a stranger?
How come I never questioned that bug that told us that living together would separate us?

A cacophony of similar questions flood through my mind bringing me to an epiphany- Always trust your instincts.

Like a rare sunshine, the cutest 5' 6 doctor enters the room holding a clipboard of patients chart. She wore a fitting white coat over a beige double zipped aviator jumpsuit and bright blue crocs. Had caramel complexion, long shiny curly black hair and brown hazel eyes. Yes, I am that chick that would rate her doctor's style. "Doctor Diva", I muttered.

"Good morning Alison, I have good news. Your xrays and tests all came out normal, you can go home today, but you have to come for review in a week's time.", she warmly said.
I was over the moon. That is the kind of message I have been waiting for. I have no intentions of spending another day in the hospital.

Immediately she left, I jumped off my bed to do a little jubilation dance.
"Discharged!! Discharged!!" I exclaimed. "Join me."

Ross did the moonwalk, Hailey did what looked like the floss (such a terrible dancer she was) while I did a unique rendition of the Carlton- from the fresh prince of bel Air (a forever classic!).

At parties, our dances make us look comical, but really who cares? Ironically, when in high school, I won the dance championship competition and it was such a surreal moment. Winning that proved to me how practice did indeed make perfect. By 4: 30am, I would be up practising moves till 6:40am, before going to class. That wasn't all, during breaks I was still practising. If I hadn't won, it would have been war- I would have transformed into a hit man and finished off the judges in their sleep. God bless their hearts for making the right choice.

As we cooled down, my mind sly drifted to Ryan. I pictured myself resting my head on his broad shoulders as he read to me sweet poetry. It amazes me that Ryan did not study poetry or creative arts or literature, instead he was doing Metallurgical Engineering. There I go again, thinking about Ryan. I was surprised that Ross did not ask of or act snobb towards Ryan. His maturity, composure and calmness stunned me.

Anyhoo, there are few things I had to do when I got back (aside that improtu meeting):

1. Get new clothes: I couldn't bare the fact that Riley even touched them. They probably smelled of gasoline anyways.

2. Have a pedicure: my feet was jacked up and nail polish was chipped in all the wrong ways.

3. Update social media profile: haven't done so in ages. It still had the same old boring tag line and pictures. In fact, I needed a photo shoot too.

4. Catch up on lectures I missed: Damn you, Riley! Those first lectures are really formative that no one should be missing.

One could say that I was 99% close to normalcy, but that 1% though.

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