Ch. 11 - The West Wing

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"You do realize that if you go through with this, these frat guys are going to tear you apart," Kevin, the head editor, says after looking through all the photos from the storage closet.

I shrug. "What's the worst they could do?"

"You seem to underestimate the wrath of a privileged cis male, Brooklyn," he says and walks back to his desk.

Am I underestimating these guys? I've met a lot of them while hanging out with Aiden, and they don't seem that intimidating. I mean, of course they're not going to like me if I drag their frat's name through the mud; but, it's not like I ever cared about any of them liking me.

I do care about Aiden. I don't want any of this to hurt him, obviously. He just doesn't seem that tied to his brotherhood, so I couldn't see him being upset if anything happened to STD. I feel like it's more about resume-building for him, and he wouldn't face any repercussions.

My phone buzzes with a message from, none other than, Aiden. He's passing Washington Hall, where my Newspaper meetings are held, right now and wondered if I wanted to grab ice cream with him. I reply yes and pack up my backpack with all my notes for the article.

He's standing against the brick wall of the building, scrolling through his phone. When he looks up from his phone and sees me, a smile spreads across his face. "Hey there, reporter."

"Hey there, frat star," I reply and push lightly at his chest, where STD is written in Greek letters.

"So, get any exciting new articles?" He asks as we walk down the street.

I've been lying to him about the Newspaper. I told him I'm writing a story about the new construction on campus and how it is driving the squirrels away. I'm so worried I'm going to slip up and say something about the frat.

"Nope, still discussing squirrels' feelings about bulldozers," I say with a forced smile.

He laughs, and I want to kick myself for lying to this guy. "How did you get into writing?"

"I always loved reading," I say. "If you couldn't tell, I'm an avid book worm. And I started mimicking some of my favorite author's writing styles."

"Oh, I could tell, Brook. That's cool."

"Thank you." I smile. "What makes you want to be President?"

"I'll let you know when you agree to be my First Lady," he says.

Dang. This guy is smooth. He wasn't always this smooth, like on our first date. I guess we are getting pretty comfortable with one another.

We stop inside the ice cream shop. As he's ordering, I can see the worker giving him eyes. I don't blame her, considering how absolutely attractive this kid is. It still gives me a burning sensation in my face, even though I've never been the jealous type.

Aiden pays for my ice cream and leads me to his favorite spot on campus. It's a little bit of a walk from the ice cream shop, just on the edge of campus. There's a cove of trees that open to a tiny, secluded little garden.

"Here it is! The infamous West Wing." He spreads his arms out.

I smile at how dorky it is he named his spot the West Wing. "This is very nice, Mr. President."

"Thank you. I found it one day when I was on a run. It kind of reminds me of this place I used to go with my dad as a kid." He sits down on a stone bench.

I sit next to him. "Oh, that's sweet. Have you shown this spot to your dad when he's visited?"

Aiden looks down.

I think I've said something wrong, based on his reaction. Dammit, I should've been more considerate. Maybe he doesn't talk to his dad anymore or something. "Um, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed anything about—"

"It's okay," he says and places his hand on my knee, squeezing gently. He takes a deep breath. "He passed away when I was in middle school."

"Aiden, I'm so sorry."

He nods. "It was a really hard time, but my mom was so strong for me and my sister. I mean," he stops and looks up at the sun peaking through the trees, "she's my Superhero."

"That's really sweet."

He's being so open with me right now. This guy just seems too good to be true. He's vulnerable and sweet and thoughtful and funny and ambitious and cool yet a little dorky.

"I'm looking for someone who is as strong as my mom." He looks down at his hands, fiddling with his thumbs. "She never let us see how hurt she was, even though I know they had the most amazing kind of love."

I rest my head on his shoulder, and it just feels so comfortable to be here with him. "She sounds amazing."

"She is amazing."

"I'd like to meet her someday," I say. It might've been a little risky to talk about the vague future, but it felt right in the moment.

"She'd really like you. And my sister, too." He smiles. "They're very curious to see the type of girl I'd bring home."

A man raised by strong, independent woman. Now, this, this is what I've been looking for.

We sit and talk for awhile in the West Wing before he drops me off at my apartment. I want to keep talking to him, but I promised Sophie I'd have dinner with her tonight.

"Thanks for the ice cream," I say when we get to my door. "And thanks for showing me your secret spot."

"Don't go around bringing other guys there," he says.  "It's called a secret spot for a reason."

I smile. "I'm not interested in bringing other guys there."

He leans down, almost as if he is about to kiss me, but then pulls away. "See you later, Brooklyn."

"Bye," I say, watching him walk down the hall toward the staircase.

"Girl," Sophie says as soon as I walk in, "you are in some deep shit."



Romantic feelings plot thickens!

Is Aiden too good to be true?! Read to find out!


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