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After Froex wood left.. everyone are sat in room...

"Mother.. don't worry Nothing is going to happen... She is old she must lost her sanity" speaks Bianca sitting beside her

"Don't speak like that Bianca... Whatever she told happened in past... Now don't dare to put her words a side" warns Mary

"Mother Mary... Fate is already decided .. we can't change it.. so don't worry " speaks Christ

"What is happening here?" Asks Apollo sensing the fear in the room

"It's a old woman who scared Mother Mary" speaks Christain while greeting Apollo through hug

"Who is this old woman?" Ask Apollo looking at them

"Miss. Ferox wood" speaks Katherina making his eyes go wide

"What did she say?" Asks Apollo with worry tone.

"That there will a Storm and we play a huge role in that?" Speaks Christain

"Is this Storm some how related to the war with south king?" Asks Apollo looking at Christ whose eyes go wide

"Ok.. brother you must be stressed.. Don't worry Nothing is going to happen... And me and sister Katherina are going back morrow and now we want to go to Forest" speaks Bianca helping Katherina by giving her hand to stand
Both Katherina and Bianca are walking in forest with a white deer in Bianca's hand

"It looks like your familiar with them" says Katherina enjoying the beautiful creature

"Yes... I grew all my life here between these trees among these beauties" she says petting the deer

"I am worried Bianca" says Katherina out of nowhere

"What are you worried about?" Asks Bianca looking at Katherina

"What Miss Ferox wood told.. what if she is right..what if we are going to have war and what if-" she stopped with tears in eyes making it hard to speak

"Sister Katherina.. you cried long enough..stop crying it's not healthy to our heir.. try to stay happy... And about kingdom leave it to me and Sabister.. just stay strong.." speaks Bianca looking at her who nodded her head as reply

"Sister whenever you are worried or scared just cross your fingers.. it's a symbol of good luck.. everything will be fine... Trust me.. it's a secret trick I follow" says Bianca showing the cross.. That made Katherina smile for unknown reason

"My father told me this (cross my fingers) in my childhood when I am scared to walk in dark room.." says Bianca memorizing her childhood

"You have a great childhood Bianca.. " speaks Katherina crossing her fingers

"Our kids will even have the wonderful childhood Sister... Lets together show the taste of happiness in life" she says putting her hand on her stomach


"Your Highness" greets a minister alerting king Sabister

"What is it ?" Ask Sabister uninterested tone

"It's a message from duke of south west kingdom Duke Alessandro that his land is being occupied by south king and he is even Killing the people over there" speaks the minister.. making Sabister look at him

"Katherina and Bianca are in south East part of our kingdom.. send a message for them to come back.. it's not safe there anymore." speaks Sabister confusing Ministry.. who announced his kingdom is being occupied but king is worried about his wives but not people

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