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"what is that you want Brother... Why don't you kill them..... What did they do to deserve this" asks a woman clearly with pain in tone... Pointing to the woman who are tied naked to the iron rod..

"They deserve that because I said so Anna... And you never question me ever again.. being my sister doesn't give you right to question me" yelled Lucas looking at the petite figure

"Brother -" she is cut rudely by Lucas..

"Dare to speak again Anna I promise to show what hell looks like" spoke Lucas gritting his teeth...

The woman infront of him ran away with tears rolling from her eyes

Eventhough he hates his sister with passion the question she asked make him think "what do you want Brother"

He wanted the power.. he wanted to rule all the Benevento... He wanted the throne in the house of North...

The sounds of Footsteps drew him back to the reality...

"What is it David.." he asked looking at the familiar figure

"My man informed that Sabister is ready..he prepared his army forces and Queen Bianca is not being involved in the war.. " he said breathing heavily

"That's good.. I don't want any buries on her.. I will be the one who gives it with my own hands.." speaks Lucas with smrike

"But you promised to leave Bianca to Christain.." asked David with confused tone

"Ho.. David I will not give her before I break her... She will be mine and I will leave her for your precious son after I have her all I want" says Lucas while Laughing which make David Grit his teeth

"Sir, Christain and Bianca are meant to be with each other...I am helping you only to get revenge on king Sabister for taking away my son's happiness..." He speaks with anger tone..

"Don't tempt me to hurt you David.. I am resisting the urge to kill don't push me " says Lucas with his regular cold tone getting off his throne and walking past the David.. letting him stand there with dumbfounded..

His eyes turned from anger to regretion... His intention of helping his son to get back the woman he loved... But the step he took costs much more.. Christain will never forgive David if Bianca gets hurt...

Lucas walked into his chamber for getting ready to destroy the north... the put the breastplate that hugged his chest perfectly with support of shoulder straps.. and his vembrace are reflecting the light.... the cloth shoes he wore gave him the comfort

He walked out of the chamber with war attire his Aura screamed cruality and danger...

He walked towards his slaves chamber where he torcher the woman for his pleasure... His eyes searched for two pathetic faces and walked to them before cutting their throats infront and of all his mistresses..

"Go call Anna here" he ordered one of his mistress while sitting on the bed with smrike on his face and his eyes glued on the blood that is flowing from the beautiful queens..

It took a while for Anna to walked into room before screaming out her lungs... which grabbed Luca's attention

"Why were you noisy... I made your wish to come true.. didn't I.. you asked me to kill them And I followed it.. be greatful for your brother" he said with wide smile on his face... But as a reply he only recieved a pain and anger gaze from her..

He hates her for being quite opposite to him.. he hates her for being kind.. He wanted to break his sister kind and gentle heart and wanted her to play prawn in satisfying his power thirst

"How many sins will you do?" She demanded with anger tone

"The blame of this sin is on you sister.. I just wanted to be the perfect brother who do anything that his sister asks for.. so don't dare to blame me in this" he says before walking out the chamber

"I am ready for my new slaves" he spoke to himself ....while walking to the barracks to motivate his Soliders in getting their foe's blood on to their hands and enjoy the warmth

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