Chapter 3

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I wake laying down in what appears to be a field of flowers. The air smells pleasantly of roses. Was that all just a really weird dream? I sit up and not too far from me I see a village. As I stare at it I realize That there is smoking coming from the buildings. Maybe it was not a dream and the light actually sent me here? next to me in the grass is a sword and a map. I guess the Light was telling the truth. So that means that village is under attack by zombies?

I sprint to the town and find the zombies all gathered up around one build which seems to have all the townspeople gathered in it. I hear a weird sound behind me. I turn around and see a zombie charging at me. I sidestep it easily and draw my sword. The zombie then lunges at me again and I easily cut its head off. Wait a second? How the hell did I do that? I do not have good coordination! And I don't know how to use a sword?!?!? I guess the voice did tell use the bodies would have skills I just did not think sword fighting was included in this.

As I was lost in my thoughts a bunch of zombies noticed that I had killed one of them and they were coming at me. I snapped out of my thoughts and was able to kill the first zombie that came at me. I was able to dodge the next one but too many came at me. SO I did what I thought was best. I ran for it!

AS I got out of the village and into the field I noticed that all of the zombies seemed to follow me. I kept running far past where I was originally and almost ran off a cliff. as the zombies were not far behind a few tried to run at me but I knocked them off the cliff. I then had an Idea. As the rest of the zombies came at me, about five of them I ran behind them and pushed them all off the cliff. 

As I got back to the village the people seemed to be coming out of the build ing. One villager comes up to me and he says,

"Thank you so much for saving us Ma'am!"

"No problem," I say. 

Wait a second, Ma'am?

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