Chapter 11

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Rose POV


After we had put the troll to sleep, Astra told me about the cave that the troll came out of. We decided to go there and see if there was anything of value. When we got close to the cave we started to notice the smell. Unsurprisingly trolls are not hygienic. You could tell just tell from the putrid smell of the cave that a troll lived here. By the time we got to the entrance, we had to plug our noses the entire time. Once we got inside though we found three horses two of which seemed to be the ones that we rode here on. We also found meat that the troll had prepared to eat it seems. The cave was actually pretty big it was like the size of a football field. Towards the back of the cave, there was a stack of items that seems to be looted from the people the troll attacked. He had several wagons which seem to be where most of the stuff came from. As we looked through all the items we found lots of great things to sell. There were spices, clothes, mining equipment, armor, weapons, and other valuables. some of the items were in bad condition, but we went through everything. We were able to get two carts and hook them up to the horses. We loaded up all the items and decided what we would sell and what we would keep. I found leather armor that fit rather well on me. Once I put it on I immediately felt lighter and faster. It seemed to double my running speed but only when I was not carrying too much stuff. Astra found an amulet with a red gem. When you looked into it it seemed to have a fire inside it. When Astra put it on it seemed she could summon fire without having to say anything. That was all of the things that seemed of use to us. We then finally got out of that gods awful smelling cave. We made it close to the main road and then decided to rest for the night. 

The next morning we spent our time on the trail following our magical maps to a village not too far away. This village was on the way to the next place the map was guiding us towards. The area we were being guided to was called "The North Defence Against Evil". This castle was tucked away in the mountains, it was just south of a  huge wall that connected all the mountains to make an impassable barrier. Towards the top of the map showed the castle of the lich King. it seemed like we were fairly close to him if we could just get past the wall. After starring at the map for a while I realized that it was almost night. We decided to stop for the night. 

After waking up and feeling quite rested we started off again towards the village. Honestly, I miss having a car. I mean these trips would be so much quicker and we could listen to music. Astra could drive and I would be in the passenger seat. We would jam out to music, have fun conversations, and eat good snacks. Dang, now I want Twizzlers. I would grab a few from the bag and then I would put one in Astra's mouth for her while she drove. Maybe Astra would reach her hand from the shift where she keeps her hand even though it's not a stick shift. She would reach her hand over and put it on my leg. We would just continue Jamming to music or talking and she would just glance over and smirk at me. Suddenly Astras Cart in front of me stopped and I snapped out of my daydream.  Apparently, it was an undead that Astra quickly dispatched of. I honestly forgot about those things for a little bit. It was nice remembering they exist is a little unnerving. 

Eventually, the wagons made it to town. When we got there we were able to give off the supplies to the people there and they gave us two hundred gold. The way their money works seems to be an exchange rate of about 1:50 USD to Gold ($10,000). It seemed like most of the village's money, but they were very happy with the supplies. We sold off the carts also but we kept one horse per person. After selling everything and replenishing all our supplies, we found an inn and got ourselves two rooms. We then went off to the tavern because apparently in this world we were both old enough to drink and Astra had convinced me that we deserved to relax and enjoy a bit. 

We entered the tavern and it seemed to be rather lively there was someone playing music and a lot of people there enjoying themselves. Astra pulled me up to the bar and she got us both a beer. We then sat down at the bar. 

"Cheers Rose here is to a successful adventure so far!" Astra said raising her mug. I then raise mine and clink them. 

"To a successful adventure!" We then take a swig and I make a face because honestly its really bad. Astra chuckles.

"What? You don't like beer?" She asks as she smiles at me. 

"No I do not." 

She just does a big goofy grin at me! We talk a bit about what has happened so far and I try to drink down the rest of the beer. After a bit, Astra goes to get us another drink. A guy then comes and sits down where Astra was sitting.

 "Is it ok if I sit here?" He asks me smiling at me.

"Actually my friend was sitting there." I say as nicely as possible.

"Oh I'm sorry I just noticed that you were someone new, and we have not had visitors in a few weeks." He then stands up to leave.

"Yea we are just passing by on our way to the North Castle." That seems to get his attention and he pulls a chair over.

"Whats a pretty girl like you and her friend going up there for? Normally I mainly hear of soldiers going up that way."

"Well um we are questers and we have a job up there."

"Questers, you say? Well, I guess that makes a bit of sense I just don't see as many female questers. It's a shame really, no man can kill a giant like a lady can. I reckon your pretty good at it you look like you could handle yourself in a fight rather well." He said that last part in what seems to be his version of a sexy voice. Was he flirting with me about fighting skills? he then continues, 

"I'm actually a quester too, I just stay here when taking a break. Maybe I could join you and your lady friend on your way there." Just as he finished saying that Astra joined us. She seemed to have heard some of the conversation. I was honestly a little nervous about this so I was hoping Astra would show up and tell him no. I look over to her and she replies to him.

"Yea you should join us! We leave tomorrow!" What? Why is she inviting him?

"Ok I think I will join you tomorrow but for tonight I'll bid you adieu."

He walked off leaving just me and Astra.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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