Chapter 24

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It was around 3 am when i heard my phone ringing besides me, I didn't bother to see who it was since i was so tired but i always awnser in case of emergencies

"Hello?, who is this"

"Is this Ava Webber?"

"Umm yes, Who is this" I say in confusion as i rub my eyes, this voice sounds familiar enough but i just can't seem to see from where

"No one important really, I found your ID in the parking lot of publix, so i just wanted to see where i could give it to you" Then I remebered, after my little hangout with Luke i had decided to go to publix to get some things since i had just moved in.
But i never got the chance to since i had lost my wallet before i went to the register.

Maybe i got pick pocketed and the person threw away my ID.

"Oh i'm not sure, i'm free tomorrow at 3pm....but wait how did you get my number" that's when I realized that it was strange for someone to find my number just through my ID

"Oh... listen....umm i just, i looked up your name in the local phone number book online and i found it so it was easy to do"

The statements this person was making weren't making much sense, my phone was registered as a Texas phone number so there's no way it could be found in a local phone book.

"Umm, then we can meet tomorrow at 3pm in the same publix then." I need to see who this person is and what they want from me.

"Oh...well if that's what you want then fine, see you tomorrow" I don't say anything and hang up right away.

Everything about this situation is sketchy.

Regarding the time i decided to text Luke, I am not going to meet that person alone, maybe he's sleeping, but he can awnser in the morning

*Hey, sorry to bother you at this time, but are you free tomorrow at 3pm, I need you for something*


After long hours of memories flooding my head and thinking of what i should do regarding the dinner plan with the Jones I receive a message from Ava

*Hey, sorry to bother you at this time, but are you free tomorrow at 3pm, I need you for something*

It surprised me that she texted me at this hour when she could've done it at any time.

*Yes, but why are you asking now?*

She proceeded to send me a voice message to tell me everything that had just happened to her before texting me which makes it more sketchy. She sounds clearly tired so I can tell how she can't be able to process as much as i did, like why calm at this time, or why call instead of text, maybe they needed a voice affirmation or something of the sort.

I should go to bed too, my head is going places where it shouldn't be going.


After i finished getting ready with everything i had left, Luke picks me up at the parking lot of the building, "Luke thank you so much for helping me out, you don't know how thankful I am that you're coming with me to do this"

"Don't thank me it's for your safety, Besides it's better to see who is behind this for your better being" He tells me as he puts his hand on my shoulder and rubs it, I feel my face awkwardly turning red and that's when i interrupt

"It's almost time we should get going"

He notices the time too and drives off

We finally get to Publix and i have to remind him of the plan i had made up, Raising my hand means it's urgent, raising both arms means not urgent but it's getting weird, acting like i'm stretching means this could go wrong very quick so be ready, and screaming well that means call police and rescue me.

I stand by at the entrance and wait for the person that supposedly found my wallet, I was waiting for a woman in her late 40s at the least but to my surprise a man who was thirty five at most approached me,

"You're Ava right?" He asked me

"Oh yeah, You're the one that found my ID right?"

"Yeah that's me"

"Oh well thank you for going out of your way to find me"

"Oh it's no big deal"

I'm standing there with this stranger waiting to get what belongs to me but nothing happens

"Well can i have it back?" I start to get nervous, maybe i wasn't over reacting, this person doesn't sound like the one over the phone, something is definitely up,

"Oh i'm sorry that's the thing, you see my aunt is the one that found it but she doesn't live nearby, so she asked me to wait with you for a moment so that in case she was late you wouldn't leave"

This is the perfect scenario of a kidnapping movie, this is not just strange, it's scary, i do as if i was stretching and thankfully Luke had listened to my lesson, he parks near the guy so that it's easy for him to see that there's people around,

"Well why wouldn't she just come earlier, I man it's just an ID i can just retake it or she could've mailed it"

"True but she didn't wanna cause any more problems" This alone was a huge problem, It was time for me to go.

"You know what it doesn't matter I don't need my ID i'll just make another one"

"Wait" said the man as he grabbed my wrist when i walked past him

"Please let me go."

"She's here" Is what he said

"Ava..." I heard a voice say behind me, now that it is in person i can picture a face with it, this is the same voice that would yell at me for simply for existing, the same voice that would make stupid excuses as to why i couldn't get money for school lunch or why i couldn't get the new barbie for christmas when in reality she saved that money for drugs. That same voice that left me heartbroken that one night.

"It's me, please listen to me.."

"I don't want to and i won't listen" I say without turning back, i don't need to see her, i don't need to see how good or bad she's been doing, I have been good without her, Dad, and my brother too, We don't need her around. Everything was better when she left. Yes it was rough for some time but in the end it turned out all better for all of us didn't it.

"I wanna say sorry, and that i miss you guys, and I love y..."

"You didn't love us when you said you wanted to be free." She stopped talking. she doesn't know what i heard that night. She doesn't know what she did to me. but it's fine now, after all those years it's over.

"You did all this to look for me, and you found me, now go away and leave me alone, don't look for me again, and please don't look for my Dad or my brother, we have all been doing better then when you were with us. Don't ruin it for everyone else." I don't wanna hear it from her so i get out of the mans grip and run to Luke's car.

"I'm sorry for not helping y..."

"It's fine, I said some things that were needed to say and i wouldn't of been able to do it if you did get off, now please let's go to the dorms, i don't need them knowing where i live.

Just in seconds a childhood wound that was long healed reopened, but I don't think that it can be fixed this time.

I do this almost every chapter but i have forgotten this story even existed and i don't even remember what i had plan to finish it as so firstly i'm sorry for taking so long to update it but it's summer so i will try my best to finish before school starts. no promises tho.

also thank you for all the love it is really appreciated

Traffic at the PierOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara