Chapter 15

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The pink skies at twelve in the afternoon look beautiful as rain begins to pour down into the sand, no one but me is in the beach.

I can feel the fresh summer breeze hitting my face directly, in all alone sand on my feet, feeling free feeling like there's nothing to worry about anymore, nothing that could stop me.

Suddenly the rain, it stops, making me feel better than before, seeing the sun in the clear pink sky. But then the waves from the ocean stop. The water is calm and calling me.

I decided to undress and just like the other night I'm going into the water

"Ava" I hear someone call from my side but not quite...but it's not by my side, it's on the top of the pier, and it's not just's Luke

"Luke what are you doing here?"

"Not much I just like to swim at this time of the day, it's calming, and I get to see you" It warms my heart every little detail he does, I have to say he's the best boyfriend ever "that's so sweet Luke"

"Just like me, but baby move I'm jumping in so can you please move" I move aside and he jumps in splashing water all over me

"Luke!" I yell at him, I wasn't planning on getting under the water but I guess now my plans are changed "sorry"

"Lets go under the water together" I say and he nods.
With my fingers I start the countdown


The sun coming in from the blinds wakes me up from one of the most amazing sleeps I've had.

I sit up and feel my head pounding from last night. Why did I have to drink so much.
I look at the clock in my desk and it says twelve thirty, I haven't slept in for a long time.

I walk towards the bathroom to get cleaned up since last night I didn't even change, in the mirror I see some of my make up sneered, I'm glad that I barely put any at all, but what I notice is that I'm wearing someone's jacket, not quite sure who's I'm glad they gave it to me or else I would of been half naked.

I get into the shower and as the water starts hitting my face I start getting memories from last night. Man what was I on last night, I remember everything from playing beer pong to jumping in the pool, but it's all pretty blurry, I remember that one creep and the people I hung around that's pretty clear to me.

"Ava someone keeps calling you and they aren't letting me sleep" I didn't even look for Vanessa in her bed, I had guessed she stayed at the house "just awnser it and say I'm showering and call again in fifteen minutes"

"Okay" she tells me and walks away

I get out of the shower with my hair all damped and brush my teeth, I leave to get clothes and the phone starts ringing again "hello" I say as I awnser

"Hey it's Violet from last night"

"Oh hi, how's it going"

"Good but I have a terrible headache"

"Same I shouldn't of drank so much"

"Me neither, but hey you live near campus right?"

"Yeah I live in the dorms"

"Oh that's great, do you wanna come to my apartment and just pass the hang over with us"

"Sure but who's us?"

"You know, Beverly, Chad, Ivan and I, same people from last night"

"Okay, What time?"

"Is now okay for you"

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