1.04 Beck's Big Break

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Jesse, Beck, and Jade sit at a lunch table discussing the project Jesse's helping Lily with.

"So, what dance are you doing?" Beck asks curiously.

Jesse shrugs. "I don't actually know yet. Lily said she'll get back to me when her teacher let's her know."

"You just agreed to do this without even knowing what you're doing?" Jade asks, one eyebrow raised.

"I dance," he reminds her. "I'm not really all that picky about what style. You know that." Jade tilts her head in agreement just as Beck looks over and notices Andre and Tori walking away from the Grub Truck.

"Hey," he calls, raising one hand. "Come sit."

Jade groans. "Ugh. I don't want them sitting here."

"Be nice," Jesse scolds gently.

Tori gives her a sarcastic smile as they sit down. "You know, it's great that you're so open with your bitterness."

"She's just grouchy 'cause she got stung by a bee," Beck explains, stealing a sip from Jesse's drink.

"See that?" Andre suddenly exclaims. "Everybody but me." He throws his hands up. "Come on, bees. What's a guy gotta do to get stung?"

Jesse looks slightly concerned while the others just give him very confused looks. "Andre, you do realize that being stung by a bee is not a good thing, right?" he asks.

Andre glares slightly. "Let me guess. You've been stung before?"

"Yeah," he says slowly.

"Figures," he scoffs.

Jesse turns to Beck, completely baffled, but he just shrugs and offers his fries as he picks his script back up. Jesse takes one with a shrug of his own when Tori notices the pages.

"Ooh, script pages!" she says excitedly as she grabs them. Beck immediately takes them back.

"Ah, not for you," he tells her.

"You auditioning for a play?" Tori asks.

"Sorta. It's a movie."

"That's so great!" she says. "What movie?"

"I'm taking your pickle," Jade tells her suddenly as she does just that.

Jesse sighs. "Jade. Don't steal other people's food," he says, taking another fry off Beck's plate as he does.

Jade gives him a pointed look. "Hypocrite," she accuses around a bite of pickle.

"It's different," Jesse claims, waving a dismissive hand. "What's his is mine and what's mine is his and all that."

Beck nods in agreement and takes another sip of Jesse's drink. "You don't get to take Tori's food unless you date her," he adds, hiding a smirk behind the cup when both girls give him the exact same shocked look.

Tori nervously clears her throat. "Anyway, what movie is it?"

"It's called Miss Fire," Beck tells them. "It's about this woman cop who gets fired and then goes on this crazy rampage."

"That's so cool. Who plays the woman cop?" Tori asks curiously.

"Melinda Murray."

"Shut up!" Andre exclaims.

"You're gonna star with Melinda Murray in a movie?" Tori asks, eyes wide.

"Well, I'll be playing Waiter Number One," Beck explains, "and I'll only have two lines if I get the part."

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