Naps in Coach's Cabin

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chapter six; Naps in Coach's Cabin

A LOT of things can get worse in just a few seconds.

Jinx cursed herself for helping the others. Especially when Jason, Leo, and Frank arrived, ready to fight back. She thought that she didn't have to do much when they came, but she was wrong.

Hazel kept hyping her up to the others and making her seem like such a helpful person, and Jinx didn't want the others to think Hazel lied to them. Hazel was the only person she was familiar with.

Jinx stood, watching as Hazel went off to aid wherever she could, and Piper kept shouting at the Romans who got here to turn around. Jinx pricked her thumb on the skull's sharp tooth, letting a drop fall in.

She remembered complaining to Nico on how it was such a weird activation, and even now he never told her where he got it from. Jinx watched the skull ring transform from a small ring into a long slim, light golden sword.

"No killing!" Percy reminded.

Jinx rolled her eyes and Coach howled. Literally howled.

She used the flat of her blade to knock out whoever got too close to the ship. Jinx wasn't used to doing much swordplay, but when she did, she tried her best to not cramp up in the middle of a fight.

Leo purposely bumped into Jinx.

"Fancy seeing you alive and back here." She retorted, sticking her hand out, slowing down a flying arrow and slicing it down.

"You're amazing." He said.

Jinx scrunched up her face, breathing heavily. "I know." She brought up to fingers to push her glasses up.

Those are new, but he decided not to comment on them. Yet...

He brought the heat up a bit. "But can you do this?"

Leo shot a flame ball up towards a chariot.

"No. But I can freeze time and slow things down."

"But you can't speed things up?"

Jinx shook her head, freezing the rain around her, refusing to get wet. She thought about doing the same for Leo, but whatever tiny drops that fell on him just seemed to steam off. Percy and Jason were doing a hell of a lot of damage to those who got close.

And Coach, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Piper, and Jinx got the ones who managed to get pass.

"We need one of us to get up there and support Jason and Percy!" Piper shouted over to them.

Hazel was the closest, it only seemed fair that she went.

"I'll go!" Coach offered.

Piper shook her head, "Jinx. Go and help the others."

Jinx almost got a whiplash from turning so fast to look at Piper, and the stare she gave her made Leo afraid Jinx was about to strangle her.

"I don't want to go to the front of the deck and fight with those two monsters."

"They're not monsters! Just go and help them."

Leo gave her a shrug and a small smile, "good luck?"

"This sucks ass." And she stomped her way to the front lines with the other two boys.

He was almost sad to see her go... That was until he was almost killed by a rouge arrow.

Jinx wanted to die.

"What are you doing up here?" Percy asked in a strained voice.

Probably because he and Jason were combining their powers to make a huge tornado. It was storming. "Piper said that you two needed assist. I see that you do not, so I will be making my way back down."

Jason opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a Roman soldier dropping down from their eagle. The soldier advanced, sliding to meet them on the deck. Percy and Jason were too sluggish to do anything other than speed up their tornado and try to keep them from getting a worse aerial attack.

Jinx lurched forward without thinking, looking at her opponent and deciding they were a child of Ares. They raised a sword over their head, readying to strike her down, but Jinx bent her knees and lunged towards their stomach. She delivered a slice through his armor, making sure to not harm him in the process or the other demigods would give her an earful about it. Jinx raised her sword to his throat, pushing him back with the flat of it.

"If I push him overboard and he dies, is it my fault?"

Percy shifted her way, "I'll make sure he doesn't drown."

Jinx took that as a sign to throw him overboard, meeting the gazes of any Roman soldier that dared to get on to the deck. "That's exhausting. Well, I'm going to take a nap in Coach's cabin."

Jason grunted, "no. Stay here, we need you."

She rolled her eyes, slowing down time entirely, making everyone stop in their tracks. She let out a scared cry, "this is so scary."

Then she went around knocking mid-flight arrows down to the ground or water. Jinx climbed on top of Percy, wrapping her thighs around his neck, leaning forward to reach the Roman soldier that was about to hit him. She gave them a good slap and knocked him into another soldier.

She got off of Percy and stepped on top of the edge of the ship to grab an eagle and point it in the other direction. Jinx was of the average height for a girl, being five foot and five inches, but even then, she couldn't manage to reach the other eagles to redirect them.

And, ironically enough, time was running out. She'd pass out into the water if she kept stalling time. Jinx breathed heavily, dragging her sword across the deck before her hold on time slipped from her unintentionally.

The two boys looked at her in confusion, alert enough to know that she hadn't been there when they were talking.

"I just... I just froze time." Jinx rasped out, "you're welcome."

Piper saved her from saying anything, looking down for any sign of Annabeth. Luckily enough for the three of them, she was running to them yelling, "go! Go, go!"

Fortunately, their ship was already pulling away.

Thanks to Leo, Jinx thought. Piper reached her hand out to her, Annabeth took it. Both girls tumbled down further into the deck.

While Jason worked the winds, Percy the waves, Jinx focused on slowing only one area at a time without causing any interference. She didn't want to tell anyone, but she had never tried to time-freeze one large part of an area. It was either something specific, one little piece, or everything and anything.

She knew she was struggling when Annabeth and Piper would freeze midway in their conversations.

Too many things she had to focus on not stopping. Like everyone on the ship, the waves. Anything that might help them. Then again she had to stop the incoming arrows or spears thrown their way, along with the people on the eagles.

It felt like forever, but then Hazel came to her side telling her that she can stop now. Those words felt as if the gods themselves had said it. Jinx had never crumpled to the ground like she did in that moment.

She didn't care that she was on deck, or that the others watched her, hell she wouldn't care if they were attacked at that moment.
She only wanted to sleep.

And Jinx knew that she wouldn't be able to make it to Coach's cabin like she had said earlier.
Instead, she curled up and fell fast asleep.

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