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chapter ten; Tourists

JINX WAS delighted that Coach Hedge took the night watch for the ship, so she slept comfortably on his bed.

Sleep came easy, despite the nightmares. She normally ignored those if they dared interrupt her sleep. Jinx always felt tired. No matter how much she slept and maybe that was the reason that she slept so much.

And especially tonight. As of late, Coach and Jinx struck a deal. One night Jinx would get the bed, and the next she'd sleep on the small sofa. But on the nights when Coach had to pull the night watch, she slept on the bed.

It was a wonderful deal. Except for when she had to sleep in deranged positions on the sofa.

In any case, she was a hard sleeper. Today was no different. There weren't any warning bells going off in her head that she was on fire, there were no nightmares. It was just her in what seemed like an endless blissful daze.

Until Hazel came in with her hair looking like it just went to the Underworld and back.

Half asleep, Jinx weakly pulled away from her touch, turning on her side.

"Jinx, wake up!"

Then a loud horn sounded that had her sitting up. Jinx stared at Hazel. "What was that?"

"I don't know." Hazel opened the door, "but get dressed and meet us up on deck."

Once the door was closed, Jinx hastily pulled on a brown checkered skirt and a black sleeved top, grabbing her cardigan and shoving her glasses into a pocket.

Jinx nearly tripped out the door while putting on her shoes.

She raced up to the deck, searching for what she needed to kill, her brain switching to autopilot. Then she stopped, realizing that she didn't need to rush.

I can stop time. She reminded herself. And before anyone could see her in this mess. Jinx stopped time, running back into Coach's room and fixing her hair.

Once she decided she looked decent enough, she let go of time.

Upon seeing everyone, she was the most put together. Jinx laughed, pointing at Leo. "Y-you're on fire."

"Shit. Not again." He muttered, patting himself down slightly. His shirt was charred and he was emitting smoke from his body. Leo looked at her with a brow raised, "I never pegged you as the dark academia type."

"Well I never thought you'd be one to set yourself on fire."

"'S happened on many occasions." He shrugged. "You already know."

And she did first hand know how he tended to burst into flames. He'd done it when they first met.

Then another horn sounded, making them drop their conversation. It was a huge cruise ship.
"Tourists. Damn tourists." Jinx cursed. She pinched her thumb and forefinger together, "I'm this close to reversing time on their ship to when it was separate pieces of wood and steel."

Frank scooted away, "you can do that?"

"Well, no." She frowned, "but imagine I could eventually."

The cruise ship blew its horn again making the Argo II shake. Jinx stumbled forward, ready to attempt what she said she assumed she could do.

"Do they have to be so loud?" Coach asked no one in particular.

"They're just saying hi."

Jinx stared at Frank, "or they're sounding their war horn."

Jɪɴx ➪ 𝙡. 𝙫𝙖𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙯Where stories live. Discover now