27. Complete Me.

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Song of the chapter:- Incomplete by James Bay (cause I'm obsessed with him)


I sat at the cafe near the window looking at the trees which were covered with different shades of red and orange but now they were leaveless. It was fascinating how nature worked, taking away a tree's leaves just for them to bloom back.

Things changed too fast sometimes, like a few days ago everything was perfect as I sat in here with my mate, and now my bestfriend has ran away and I'm fighting with my mate. I didn't want to think about what happened but then again my mind kept going back to Ethan's word. What Myth was he talking about? Was it even a Myth? Or maybe it was a secret they're trying to hide from me. It was all too much so I decided to just block those thoughts from my mind.

Suddenly a guy came and sat in front of me saying, "hey, can I get you a drink or something?", giving me a smile that he must've thought was attractive.

"No thanks. I'm capable of buying myself a drink", I said giving him a fake smiling with a bit sarcasm hoping he'd take the hint but he didn't.

"Now, now doll don't resist, no need to play hard to get", he said leaning in closer to me which just annoyed my further.

"Listen here Mister and listen well, if a girl is telling you NO she means it, how can you even think she's playing hard to get when she's literally telling you to fuck off?", I said loud enough for some people around me to hear.

The guy's face paled and he left, some girls were giving me appreciative looks while the other people were just shocked or maybe even judging me. But I didn't care cause the time I left Golden moon I was scared that the new pack won't like me thats when my mum told me ''no matter what you do, how hard to try impress people, they'll always judge you on the basis of their situation and you can never please all of them so it's better to please yourself''.

After a cup of coffee and a chocolate donut I decided to go back as I didn't tell anyone where I was and people might start getting worried about me, specially a certain alpha I know. Just as I was exiting the cafe I walked into someone and before I can apologise I felt sparks running through my body, the familiar scent of oak and pine entered my senses. I looked up and was met by familiar pair of brown eyes filled with concern.

"Ethan I-'', I tried to explain myself but I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug, I wrapped my arms around his tonned stomach forgetting about what happened, just enjoying the closeness if my mate. "I'm sorry", I whispered in his ear it wasn't about shouting or the fight but about walking away without saying anyone anything because I knew he was worried sick even though I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself, especially Alphas, they were supper protective after marking and mating.

"I'm sorry, Princess. It was my fault. I-I shouldn't have said any of that", he said not looking into my eyes. "Hey, it's in the past, let's just go back home", I said pulling him closer. When we were in the car I'll find him sneaking glances at me but not for too long,  he'd just look at me and then back on the road in a second even my wolf was getting a bit suspicious.

When we finally reached home Ethan opeaned the door for me, letting me in first. When I stepped into the house I was surrounded by almost everyone asking me if I was okay. My and Ethan's parents were the ones who made me sit on the couch and asked if I was okay then John and Chris interrogated me as Jack and Luke were back at Cresent moon.

Finally my brother, Mark, Clara and Anne asked me what happened. Rose wasn't anywhere to be found and I was starting to get worried as she never left for this long. Suddenly Ethan came back with a piece of paper saying it was for me. When I open it, it was written in beautiful handwriting which were way too familiar to me as the letter was from my bestfriend. I decided to read it out loud so everyone can know what was going on. It said

Emma, I know I acted like a bitch back then but it was just too much, don't get me wrong I'm really esctatic for you and Ethan but something was just missing to me, but fortunately I found what I was looking for.
I just want you to not worry about me and take care of yourself and everyone. Just know I'm happy and I want all of you to be happy too.
Dont worry I'll be back soon, atleast before you're crowning ceremony ;)
Love, Rose.

When I readed it I felt a sense of relief flood through me, she was safe. I don't know where but safe. Normally if you get a letter from your bestfriend, not a text or call but a letter you'd freak out but something in me was telling me she was fine, maybe even happy as she mentioned also if something were to happen to her she'd have connected us through the link.

"Do you think she's okay?", Clara asked looking worried.

"Yeah I mean its Rose we're talking about", said Mark.

"If she weren't we'd have known by now", I said, call if bestfriend instinct but I somehow knew she was okay.

"Let's just go to bed. I'm too tired with all this drama. Come on baby", said Zach pulling Anne towards him kissing her as I fake gagged. He knowingly did these PDAs just to piss me off. Everyone left slowly then it was just me and Ethan left in the kitchen alone. We didn't even eat so we decided to cook, more like Ethan decided to cook when I just sat there staring at him like a creep.

"Take a picture it'd last longer", he said turning around giving me a smirk.

"Why would I want a picture when I can have you?", I said making his smirk disappear and making his cheeks turn red.

"Emma can I ask you something? And I want you to be honest like really honest", he said after putting the vessel on stove and sitting in front of me, he continued after I nodded. "Do you really not trust me because of what I did during our school years?", He said directly looking into my eyes as if searching for the truth.

I wanted to say no, so it doesn't hurt him but some things just needed to be said.

"Yes Ethan. I'm not saying it's all because of you, but then what you did also has a role in it. I mean we used to be so close, and then you just changed. I was alone, and lost, incomplete and then all the bullying started. It just shattered me and I found it hard to trust people", I said nervously playing with my fingers.

"I know I sound like an asshole, hell maybe I am one but I promise you I'll explain it all to you. All of it, when the time comes. It'll be soon Princess, I promise", he said holding both my hands into his and kissing them.

Suddenly the smell of smoke hit our nose and Ethan ran towards the kitchen turning the stove off and picking up the lid of the vessel off with bare hands and then dropping it because it was too hot. For an Alpha who handled a whole pack Ethan can be so stupid at some times. "Oh god", I almost screamed and I was sure the whole house heard us specially when Chris shouted, "Guys do it in your bedroom, we make food in the kitchen not babies".

After that we just ate peanut butter sandwich for dinner and finally went back to our rooms. After showering we were lying in our bed, my head on his chest, his arms around me and everything felt perfect. Suddenly I asked, "Ethan why were you staring at me on our way back?", I said turning my head up looking at him.

"I don't know. I just felt like, I'm so gald to have to Emma. You put up with my shit, you are my better half, you complete me, and I just love you", he said running his fingers through my hair looking at me fondly.

"I love you too. And someone has to put up with your shit and that someone happened to be me so", I said giving him a teasing look and shrugging at him but he just laughed and pulled me closer.

Published on:- 26 June, 2021.

Hello snowflakes, I know it's been forever since I last updated but here is my apology, yes I'm talking about the chapter. I'm gonna cut the note short cause my fingers are aching after typing all this and I'm sure I cracked my screen or something.

Spread love. Take care.


IceQueen ❣️

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