Chapter 11

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Third person's POV

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Third person's POV

Allah says, "And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient." (Quran 2:155)

That is what we have to believe wholeheartedly. Every moment in our life is a test for us from Allah and Allah will test us. That test either can be the loss of someone we love dearly and still, we have to believe in Allah's decision firmly.

The news of the loss of the baby hurt the whole Ibtyaj family so hard that they felt like they have been hit by a truck and the whole universe crushed on them. They couldn't believe it at first as it was unanticipated for them. It left a huge hole in their heart and cast a dark shadow over their soul, experienced them an unbearable pain of the loss which was intense emotionally.

With a shattered heart, they came out of the hospital, where they only had the most horrific incident of their life.

With Daniyal's help, Daneen walked towards the car slowly as her body was still weak. After 5 miserable days, she was finally released from the hospital which to her was nothing but hell.

Reaching the car, Daniyal made her sat inside the car, clasping her seat belt he leaned forward and pushed a lock of hair from her face as he kissed her forehead.

He became sad when she didn't give him any reaction not even smiled like she always did. It pained him to see his beautiful wife looking vulnerable and lifeless like that.

He sighed, feeling rejected he stood up and went to the driving seat.

Shahnaz Begum got into the car and sat beside Daneen as her husband sat in the passenger seat.

Feeling her mother-in-law sitting beside her, Daneen leaned on Shahnaz Begum's shoulder as her weak body became exhausted from walking.

Shahnaz Begum caressed her daughter-in-law's hair lovingly who became totally mute after her breakdown. Neither she cried nor she talked and Shahnaz Begum didn't force her and didn't let anyone force her, knowing how it felt to lose a child as she could understand her pain.

Daniyaal sat in the driving seat gripping the steering wheel hard, he was about to drive. But a strong hand gripped his tensed shoulder making him stiffen, he looked at his dad beside him who nodded his head and patted his shoulder. Daniyal smiled and a little, glancing at his sleeping wife in the backseat he started the engine and drove towards the home.


After paying all the hospital bills Hamza finally came out of that horrendous place as his family left early and gave him the responsibility of paying the bills.

Getting out of the lift, instead of going to his car, he went to the cafe across the road as he was thirsty. Buying a Drink Can he left the cafe, but the moment he stepped outside, the scene in front of him made him went to the angry clouds. He gripped the drink can in his hand so hard that it twisted, causing the can to spill out, and soaked his hand as if he was twisting his neck like that.

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