Sneak Peek of TGGBB2

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I dropped my binder.

It wasn't by being tripped, making me crash onto the floor to scatter all of my homework and notes on the hallway floor.

I swear I'm not the clumsy type. I have never broken a dish before in my life. I can't say it was really because a foot was in my way while I was trying to find some homework in my binder was the reason I tripped. For one thing, I wasn't even walking. I was merely holding my binder, trying to open my locker with my combination which was inside it. I didn't have to ignore and laughter and comments of me when I crawled around the floor to pick up my stuff. There were no people passing by to kick it farther away from me and walk over it to leave their shoe prints. It was only the first day back at school from winter break here in Dartwell High, home of the dragons, and I'm not as bullied as I used to be.

As I reached for my schedule that slipped out of my binder, someone grabbed it for me.

I stood back up to see him holding my binder out to me. "Hey Nomi," he said with a small smile.

I tensed at the name and took my binder back, holding it against my chest. "Hello Dominic."

I saw a slight frown from him, probably noting how I didn't say "Domi" the stupid nickname we gave each other.

There was an awkward paused between the both of us. I mean, I don't blame the awkwardness, we haven't seen each other in years.

I didn't see my childhood best friend who had rowdy black hair and playful gray eyes that wore a big smile on his face. Instead I saw a total stranger, with slightly calmer ruffled black hair and dark gray eyes that I don't recognize. Despite the small smile he was wearing, I knew it was a forced one since he'd rather give me a smile than anything else. He wore a leather jacket for the still chilly weather over a red plaid flannel and a t-shirt of a band I recognize and didn't know he liked, compared to the catchy kid songs we grew up to.

"Long time no see," he told me.

Yes, because that's exactly what you say in a reunion with your friend after all of these years.

"I wouldn't say that," I replied, "given I saw you at Halloween."

He chuckled. "You got me there."

The guys were right by my side, and I could tell they were sizing him up. They each gave him a once over, noting the confident straight posture he held, which he covered up by putting his hands in his pockets to look casual.

Bennett wore a straight face as he stared down Dominic. Though he looked bored and not interested in this, I could tell he was, though he was hiding it.  He had the intimidation so powerful it radiates to others and can give you cancer. Despite the stare he was getting though, Dominic didn't seem to so much as shudder in fright.

Jordan wore a warming smile, as if he was welcoming Dominic. I knew it was fake though, knowing Jordan so well to tell his sincere smiles from the fakes. He looked like as if he was studying him, trying to scare him. It was then I remembered about Jordan's prosopagnosia, or face blindness. He was really trying to find any specific physical characteristics to know it's him.

Declan crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Dominic, giving him his infamous death glare. It's like Darth Vader's death grip, only more deadly. The thing was though, Dominic didn't seem to waver at it, even going as far as to meet him right at the eye. He gave Declan a smile, as if he was silently laughing at his efforts to scare him.

Dominic then looked back at me, as if he knew he passed some sort of test.

"What's with the cold shoulder you're giving me? For Pete's sake, we haven't seen each other in years, Nom-"

"It's Naomi," I cut off.

"Alright then, Naomi," he corrected himself with a smile back on his face.

Suddenly he held out his arms out to me. I looked at the gesture and looked back at him in confusion.

"C'mon, we both know we miss each other," he said in exasperation. "Now wouldn't you give your best friend a hug after all this time? After that, we can catch up."

I smiled at him. "I'll do you one better."

So I raised my hand and slapped him.

And there you go you guys, the sneak peak of the sequel of this book. Of course, I HAD to put another cliffhanger, just because I love you guys, just as much a I love cliffhangers. Nah, I love you guys more.

I gave you this sneak peek, mostly because I'm scared you'll forget about this book and abandon me- I mean the book, okay fine, really me. I'll be really sad and miss you guys. Now I want to be honest with you, I know exactly when I'll post the sequel. But I don't think you'll like it...

Next year, end of the summer.

Ooh, I can just FEEL the hate comments right now, the screams and threats at me. Like I said at the last author's note, I need a break. I have lots of projects I want to do. If you don't believe me, here they are:

1) RE-EDIT ORIGINAL TGGBB (You know grammar mistakes, make things more sense, read hate and criticism comments to make it better so there won't be such comments anymore.)

2) RE-WRITE NEW VERSION OF TGGBB (I'll be writing a new version of TGGBB, of course keeping the original and post it before the sequel, so you guys can get a review of what happened again. But I'll be changing a few things, adding new things, keeping awesome things, stuff like that.)

3) WORK ON UNFINISHED WORK (If you don't already know, I have a BUNCH of other works I never got to finish. Originally, I wanted to just delete them, but I decided to turn them into short stories instead, easier for me and make you guys happy.)

4) WRITE SHORT STORIES (I have short stories I want to get out of my system before putting all of my energy on TGGBB2.)

5) WRITE TGGBB2 (HELLO, it's what you want anyway BTW I won't release the title of the sequel yet, we'll just stick with TGGBB2, okay?)

So that'll be my to-do list. I think you can last a couple months without this book, I bet lots of strong willed writers have when waiting for... Percy Jackson or something, Riordan always published the next book next year October.

But hey, let's not end our parting with bitterness.

I really love you guys, and I don't mean "Will you marry me?" kind of way. You guys mean a lot to me, both the readers who've been here from the start to the new readers reading this now. I never thought I'd be here, writing this book, especially to the first readers who asked me update when I was barely at the second chapter. I never planned my book to spread this bullying awareness, I only wanted to write a funny book between a girl and her three guy friends, but I'm glad I did. Though I shouldn't be happy about lots of people have been bullied, I'm REALLY happy that we're aware its real, it's here and that we'll fight it. But first, we read something to make us laugh and forget our problems in the real world... just a little bit.

Rubix (Why the Cube89201? My friends call me Rubix, meaning you guys)

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें