Chapter Ten: M to the Second Power

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I heard the faint voice calling my name. But I was still half-asleep and I wanted to find the other half. So I pretty much just ignored the voice.


"Go away," I half-begged half-grumbled, though my voice must have been muffled from the pillow.


I stirred in my sleep. I snuggled deeper into the blankets, held the pillow tighter. I'm not waking up without a fight. But someone started to shake me, trying to wake me up.

"No," I mumbled.

"Naomi." The voice coaxed.

"Let me sleep," I begged, flipping on my other side.

"I have many ways to wake you up." The voice simply stated, though there was a threat somewhere in there. "I can pour freezing water on you. Play extremely loud annoying music. Or I can just give you a smack on the lips." I knew from this that this must be Jordan.

"I'd like none of the above, please." I replied.

"We have food."

My eyes snapped open. I immediately sat up from the bed. I had to blink a few times, my eyes adjusting to the brightness of the room. I looked up to Jordan who was wearing a chirpy look on his face. I looked at him expectantly, my smile widening.

Jordan chuckled. "That's one effective way to wake someone up." 

"How long was I-" I stopped to yawn, then I continued "-asleep?"

He paused for a moment, probably doing the math, which is surprising given he can actually do math. Then he replied, "Like two hours."

I raised an eyebrow. "It took you guys two hours to get some food?"

"No," Jordan said. "We had some errands to do before we picked up the food."

I eyed him suspiciously. "What kind of errands?"

He smiled, "Some boring ones you wouldn't care," he said with a small shrug, avoiding my question. I knew I should have done better. This was Jordan Wallace I was dealing with, the master of lying, pranking, and procrastination. 

I didn't say anything. He ignored my sudden mood change and smiled at me. He clapped his hands together then put them on his hips.

"Well," he said. "Let's get you to the dining room." 

"Okay," I said, I stretched a bit before removing the blanket off of me. "I'll just get up..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jordan said, making me stop short. "What do you think you're doing?"

I looked at him with a questioning look on my face. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting up from the bed. Exhibit A," I said, motioning to myself and the bed.

He laughed, then stopped and looked at me seriously. "No, really. What are you're doing? You're still hurt. I can't possibly let you walk in your condition."

"Then what are you going to..." My eyes drifted to what was waiting for me at the end of the bed.

"No," I said. "No, no, no. I am not  going to get on-"

"It's only a wheelchair, Naomi," Jordan assured. "Just go with it."

"No, I am not going to go with it," I said, glaring at him. "I am not going to get on that wheelchair, even if it kills me."

Jordan wore a mischievous smile, showing me dimples on his face. "Challenge accepted."

Against my will, Jordan lifted me off of the bed and plopped me into the wheelchair. But it wasn't as easy as it sounds. I struggled, I screamed, I punched, and gave him a good kick right in the groin. 

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum