Chapter 49

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"Ringo! Ritchie!" John shouted after the drummer, walking away down the lane. Pattie twisted round in her seat to watch him. "Wait here," John said, leaning back into the car. "And watch her," he added, pointing to the nurse.

Pattie nodded, but John had already raced off after Ringo.

Pattie felt dazed, shocked by everything that had already happened that day. It felt like a bad dream she couldn't wake up from.

"I am so envious of you," the nurse said to her, turning around to see her properly.

"What?" Pattie said.

"I wish I had your life," she replied. Suddenly, she didn't seem so upset any more.

"No, you don't," Pattie replied.

"I do," the nurse insisted. "Beatle George is your boyfriend. You've a glamourous modeling career. You get to hang out with pop stars and film stars every night."

"Believe me, it's not like that. And if you haven't heard, George isn't my boyfriend any more."

"Yeah, but now that other girl's out the way, you can get back together with him."

"What?" Pattie said, incredulously. "Out of the way? She's dead. Someone killed her!"

"Yeah I know, but she wasn't exactly your best friend, was she?"

"I... I thought she was once."

Pattie could clearly remember the last time she'd seen Grace, the last time she'd spoken to her. July the 9th. The day George had found the letters. The day he packed his clothes and left.

In the morning, he'd been so sweet, so loving. They'd made love early in the morning and then George had got up to make breakfast. Pattie had made the coffee.

Grace had rung the day before to arrange meeting for lunch. She'd warned Pattie not to tell George she was coming to meet her. George had made it clear he was getting fed up with Grace – at least, that was what Pattie had thought. He didn't want her coming around the house anymore. He didn't want Pattie to see her anymore.

Grace was waiting for Pattie at an outdoor cafe on Argyle Street, only a short distance from the NEMS offices. As soon as Pattie sat down, she knew there was something wrong. Grace was sullen, off hand. She hardly said a word while they glanced over the menu and then only ordered something to drink, nothing to eat.

"Are you alright?" Pattie asked, brightly.

"I've never been better," Grace replied, distracted.

"You're very quiet today."

"Am I?"

Pattie nodded. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes," Grace said, with a flick of her hair. "Do you have the time?"

Pattie checked her watch. "Nearly half past eleven."

"He should be on his way soon then."

"Who?" Pattie smiled. "Is this the mystery man you've been seeing?"

Grace nodded, a wicked smile playing across her lips.

"So when can we meet him?"

"Oh, you already have."

The waitress appeared with the coffee. Pattie nodded a thank you to her. "Really?" she asked, when the waitress had gone. "We already know him? Why all the secrecy then?"

"It wasn't my idea," Grace replied. "It was his insistence it all be kept quiet. You see, Pattie, sometimes men don't know what's good for them. They need a little nudge, some gentle persuasion into the right direction. I know he's the one for me. He just needs to realise that too."

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