First kiss

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Boyfriend: It was just random to be honest. I mean he's just so cute and you haven't kissed yet surprisingly so yeah you just had to go for it. It was a sweet yet playful kiss. "YAY KISSES FINNALY!"

Senpai: It was when those damned girls kept flirting with him. You just had to show them who he belonged to and you couldn't think of any other way but, kissing him. He was shocked and froze due to being completely unaware. His face flushed red and held up his bookbag and hid behind it. It was a rough kiss due to your Jealousy. "U-um I'll just stay over here"

Selever: yo it started off as a joke. I don't think it's a joke anymore. He was joking around about how you haven't kissed him yet and that he wasn't going to make the first move. He went on and on and on until you had enough and pulled his face to yours and kissed him. He backed up and covered his mouth. "What you were asking for it" he blushed and didn't say anything. But you could see a slight smile on his lips. "T-thats not fair that doesn't count"

Ruv: your first kiss was a sweet and loving one. You kissed when he finally got the courage to make a move. It was kinda out of nowhere. You were just glad he was getting more confidence in your relationship. He was shocked but gave Into the kiss while Sarv was fangirling. "I- uhhh" "YAAAY FINALLY" "SARV!"

Agoti: You kissed him out of surprise. He acted like he didn't want to kiss but really he wanted to ever since you started dating. This baby was so flustered. It didn't help that you took him by surprise either. "I-i" "shut up I don't care"

Garcello: You told him he should quit smoking and he tried. He was doing good for a while but 2 weeks later he yet again had another cigarette in his mouth. You sighed and went over to him. "Sorry I know I said I'd stop but I can't" "well maybe you need something better than a cigarette" you say as you took the burning stick from his mouth "like what a cinnamon sti-" his eyes widened and he was cut off by soft lips on his. You pulled away to see a shocked Garcello. "Better?" "Y-yeah I got it I'll stop, as long as you give me more kisses though"

Sorry this is bad but things have been a lil JSJSJSKSK

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