They realize their feelings

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Y'all should listen to the video above it is very well done.

Boyfriend: He realized after you decided to stay with him. He usual goes all and about on his own but he likes having your for company.

Senpai: He realized it when he saw you as his first real friend. He doesn't really have friends Beacause a ladies man and the boy are jealous and think he's a slob. But you saw him different.

Selever: He realized it when he kept thinking about you. He didn't know why or how. Whenever he'd try looking for you he would get mad if he didn't find you.

Ruv: He realized it when he found himself thinking about you and trying to be near or with you at all times. He was so confused until Sarvente pointed it out and told him he had a crush.

Agoti: This baby😖
Literally Tabi told him that he did. He told Tabi that he met you down in the void and how cool you were and stuff. Tabi had to stop him form talking about you all day by telling him that he was in "love" he denied it but then later realized that it just might have been true.

Garcello: It was when you have him a home. He liked no LOVED your kindness. The fact that you helped him even though you just met him on an alleyway  a couple of days ago.

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