3| My Shumai

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"Rise and shine ursine!" Rang throughout the whole school. Kokichi shot awake by the sudden loud sound and looked at where he was. Oh yeah, he was in Shumai's room, and apparently fell asleep on the floor. "Oh!" Kokichi heard behind him and he looked at the bed, where Shuichi sat up. "I am so sorry! You had to sleep on my dirty floor! Forgive me!" Shuichi stood up, but he collapsed once he set one for on the floor. "Woah! You okay!? That looked painful..." Kokichi rushed to Shumai who was facing the cold floor. He immediately looked up with a cloudy smile: "Y-yes! I can't believe I am in a room with you!" He looked with longing eyes at the leader. "You need to be careful Shumai! We don't wanna be caught by the others, do we?" Kokichi sighed as he helped Shuichi up. "Yes! Anything for... leader?" Shuichi was thinking of what to call Kokichi, and somehow that was pretty cute. "Just call me Kokichi, 'kay? Everyone at D.I.C.E calls me that anyway!" Kokichi grinned. 

"Any minute! Trust me, they will have to one day! Otherwise, they will starve!" Kaito said determinedly outside of Kokichi's dorm. "Shut up, idiot! You're going to be heard! And we've been waiting for waayyy too long! I'm bored!" Miu complained. "Gonta say we wait for them at breakfast and talk gentlemanly!" Gonta asked, being the naive person he was. "Gonta, I know you want to be kind and gentlemanly, but it is not gentlemanly to kidnap a sick person, so it's best if we solve it our way..." Tsumugi said carefully. Kokichi could easily overhear their conversation. So, they were waiting in front of his dorm? Idiots... But they were definitely at an advantage. "How are we gonna get out of here...?" Kokichi whispered with a twinge of annoyance. "We can hide in the closet when they come in?" Shuichi mumbled hopelessly as he opened the closet.

He crept inside and tripped. "Woah- huh...? K-Kokichi?" Shumai asked. "What is it?" He took his eyes off the door and fixated them on the closet. In the closet was a vent! "Shumai! Good job! We'll just escape with the vents!" Kokichi felt fireworks of excitement tingle as they went in the vents. A little later, they were in the vents, almost in a classroom, but just as they were about to get there, they fell through a little gap. "SHIT!" They yelled as they stumbled downwards into the dining hall. With a thud, they landed on the cold floor. "Ouch... oh" Kokichi came face to face with Angie, who seemed to be the only one in the room. "Oh my Atua! Everyone is looking for you two! If you come up to them Atua will definitely forgive you!" She laughed weirdly. "No thanks! We'll be going now! To, uh, pray or something! Cya!" Kokichi picked Shuichi up bridal style and started to run for it, but too late because Angie was already calling the others. "They are here! Come quick!" They heard as they ran. 

Just as they passed a corner, they were caught by surprise. Kaito and Mui stood there, ready to fight. Kokichi wanted to turn around, but there stood Gonta, Tsumugi and Tenko. "Found you! You bastard!" Kaito pointed a finger at him angrily. "There is no escape! You have to give in!" Tsumugi said triumphantly. "Yep! Otherwise, we have these hammers! They can beat the shit outta you!" Miu threatened. "Okay... I give up... you can have him..." Kokichi muttered. "Wait, really!?" Tenko exclaimed. "Nope! That was a lie!" He smiled evilly again. "You liar! No wonder no one loves you!" Kaito tsked. "How dare you! Kokichi is the most important person in this whole killing game! You mean nothing compared to him!" Shuichi suddenly yelled. He was triggered by the insults since does have the obsession disease. "Shuichi, I really don't want to hurt you! We will help you! Don't you remember you're my sidekick?" Kaito begged. Kokichi found this hilarious: "Yes, beg some more! I bet that will help! But wasn't that Miu's kink?" He teased. "Oh, you little shit!" Kaito growled as he clenched his fist and came closer. As he tried to hit Kokichi, he stepped aside quickly, but poor Shumai was in the way. "ACK!" Shuichi grunted as he got punched in his face and tumbled downwards. Kaito looked in shock as he realised he punched his friend. Kokichi felt a wave of sudden anger erupt and without thinking, he punched Kaito back. "You... fucking... DUMBASS!!" Kokichi yelled, receiving a lot of surprised faces as he pushed Miu aside to grab a hammer. "You are always in the way! Saying he's your sidekick! YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELF! SO LET ME HAVE HIM FOR ONCE!" He swung the hammer towards Kaito, but he managed to dodge it. "What!? You are using him! You're the liar!" Kaito barked back, but that only angered Kokichi more. "Well, at least I care about him!" Just before the hammer was about to hit him, something stopped them. "Stop right there!" the green Monokub said in a robotic voice. "Shut up you fake, cheap copy of a monokuma" Kokichi mumbled. "No fighting allowed! Otherwise, consequence!" The robot said. "Give it up Kokichi! You can just give him over and lose peacefully." Tsumugi sighed.

"Ugh... I don't wanna!" He whined like a child. "You will hafta! Or do you want him to die?" Miu pointed to the unconscious detective. "Don't worry, I won't let him!" He grinned as he got the prank bomb he made since he made those at D.I.C.E. He threw it on the ground and the whole hall was consumed by thick smoke. "Stop him!" Tenko yelled between coughs. Kokichi had already grabbed Shuichi and avoided Gonta and Tenko who were a coughing mess. He was about to escape when a sharp object sliced into his skin. "AGH!" he yelled aloud, but he kept running. Even when he felt warm blood travel down his arm, he would keep running. He couldn't hear anything, but suddenly a familiar voice rang through his head. "Kokichi...? What's going on?" Shumai said with a sore throat. "Don't worry, I'm fine! Were going to my room, okay?" Kokichi said between gasps of air. "You're bleeding!" Shuichi exclaimed, trying to get out of Kokichi's arms. 

Inside, Shuichi examined Kokichi. He had been cut deeply in his arm. "We need to heal you!" Shuichi mumbled with worry. "Hey, don't worry, partner! Instead, take one of the uniforms in my closet! You'll be an official member of D.I.C.E!" Kokichi grunted as he sat down. After a bit of rumbling, Shuichi came back, his pupils increased as he saw Kokichi. The uniform just fit, but damn, Shuichi looked good in it. It might have been because of Kokichi's loss of blood, but his heart was doing backflips in his chest. "How d-do I look?" Shumai said, fumbling with his scarf. Kokichi approached him and put his arms over his shoulders, making Shuichi crouch down a little bit. "You look very pretty..." Kokichi said softly, locking his eyes with the detective. His cheeks were red and his eyes were widened. "M-master! You are actually.... looking at me!" He mumbled as if he met his biggest inspiration. He was so cute. 

"Hey, I am tired. Do you wanna take a nap?" Kokichi asked, seeing that Shuichi was getting paler, meaning his sickness got worse. "B-but! We're going to get caught!" Shuichi shot his head up as they heard someone bang a fist on the door. "Don't worry about them! Come on!" Kokichi felt like he could faint any second. But he wanted to be with his Shumai no matter what. He laid down on his bed and pulled Shuichi with him. He put Shuichi's head onto his chest and sighed deeply: "Hey, Shumai?" He murmured. "What?" Shuichi answered. "I promise I will be your partner, no matter what you say," Kokichi said as the world began to blur. "T-thank... you" Shuichi coughed out, his throat sore. 
"Found you!" Was the last thing Kokichi heard as he drifted into a night of cold, deep sleep.

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