Karate Kid pt.1

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We return to the seven having their first training session. I see it. Yeah me too. But there are two like last time. Go to the white ball. Alex and Jimmy both activated stage 2 at the same time. Battlesuit stage 2 unlocked. Both suits said.

Whoa, this feels great. Said Alex glowing bright green. Hey Jimmy love, have I ever told you how good you look in purple. Treaya made breakfast, she knew how hungry her men could get. Yeah, about that. Come on, you can eat while I talk.

Jimmy's got his hands full with her. Yeah, Treaya can really be a handful at times. Alex agreed with Karah. Damn, I knew something was wrong. I just didn't know it was this bad. Said DJ walking in and then walking out. Seeing Alex's green glow match a symptom from one of his weed stashes.

What was that? That was DJ" s morning mystery bag. It is when he randomly drabs a stain out of a bag and whatever it is you must smoke it's opposite. Most likely he got Day Walker and smoked Night Dew. Stuff can really get crazy on Night Dew.

Oh yeah, I have something I have to do. I'll be gone for a few days. So, I am counting on you and Jimmy to train hard and follow the training I taught Justin and transform faster. But where are you going? You can't just leave. I can and I will. Just know your training is going to get a lot harder. Said Karah walking off.

Over on the alien's spaceship, in the testing lab.

Wakey wakey, sugar spaghetti. Get up now. What? What happened? Allow me to introduce myself. I am your new master and that is a fact. My what? Where am I? Come let me show you to my Quarters. On the way, Reese saw human soldiers training with alien weapons.

How is all this possible? While Reese. I am what you would call a bad guy and I'm here to not only let down the Dome. But I am also here to take over this planet. It shall be my own training planet. Funny, two livable planets and yet you only live on thirty percent of one.

They should have come to us first and let your people go extinct during the first ice age. Yeah, but your species was doing good already. Oh, so you know. Good. Then, that should make this all the easier. Join me and together we'll become the strongest galaxy and the universe. Sorry but this will be my dad's planet and I alone will own this galaxy.

Oh, daddy? Sorry to tell you but your dad has moved on and replaced you. What, those agents? No, these guys. Show him. These are images of your dad welcoming them into his home and isn't this your training grounds? This is a trick. No, it is not my friend. I assure you it is real.

Why they're there now. Check for yourself. Suits check the location of the others. The suit pulled up a hologram of the earth and showed that all but one of the 6 other sevens were at his dad's house. No. As sorry as I am, I could just let you go and confront them yourself or I can give you your own soldier's. That is if we have an agreement, hmm?

Reese shook his hand to agree. Would you like to see your soldiers? Come in. Reese looked at them. One of the soldiers, a woman, blushed at Reese. These three? Reese shrugged. They don't look tough. Allow them to demonstrate. Take us to the training room. The Leader Reese and the three soldiers were teleported. Reese stumbles after appearing. You'll get used to it.

First is Rithen, my daughter. Rithen started by taking down two of the three hologram-man with her knowledge of pressure points. Then she stopped. And smiled at Him. Reese was not impressed. Is that all? The leader looked at Reese. No that isn't. Instantly she goes into her second stage. Battlesuit stage 2. Rithen then pointed her finger and before you knew it the last hologram was hit in the chest with an object coming from the ground.

Reese was confused. He remembered when Jimmy did it, his suit DNA fused. By the look of your face, I bet you haven't seen this yet and I don't mean the shadow trick. This is stage 2. Said the Leader guiding Reese over to Rithen then. And I can show you how to access that power as well. This must be a joke. Reese got mad at the thought of there being more people stronger than him and put his head down. Reese looked up. Teach me, I want to know everything. Of course, anything for my top fighters.

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