Chapter 2

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Monday morning heats me up, many works to do. I moved from class to class. I got out of my last class the last. My friends stormed out of class. I bought candies and drinks in convenience store. When random guy poked my waist, I twitched. It ticklish.

"Pete, wanna hang out with me?" He stood behind me.

"Where to?"

"To my hideout." I smacked his hand as he tried to tickles me again. Chuckled.

"Is it nearby?"

"Nope. Any problem with that?"


We payed the bill and got on his motorcycle. He sure had a good taste. It's big and black, had somekind of lightning on the body. We suddenly hit the brakes few times, so the me who was once grabbed his jacket turned to hug him instead. Sly. I hopped down, after 20 minutes on the road.

"I like this lake. I often come here when I felt lonely." We passed trees, reached the lake, and sit on the grass. I felt so comfy on this soft grass that brushed my skin. I stared at the scenery. His breathing was so hot in my neck.

"Since when?"

"Since you stared at it blanky." I shoved him away. "Why?"

"It ticklish."


Then we talked about our experiences, some embarassing and good to remember memories. He leaned towards me makes me blushed. He teased me.

"What are you doing that for?" Almost in angry tone.

"Your hazel eyes distracted me. May I kiss your eyes?"

"No." I covered my face in embarrasment.

He grabbed both my hands, "hush... Let me."

"No." I shooked my head.

"You'd better let me or I...."


"I'll kiss your lips."


"Okay." He pretended as if it's fine. Then caught me with those soft sweet pink lips. He poked my neck, I giggled as our lips parted. His hands sliding down to my body, tickling everywhere. My face turned red.

"Aw... No... Stop.... Please...." I begged. He stopped. We decided it'll be better if we got home first before it became to dark and cold. He drived me home.


Ryan's POV

Oh, adorable Peter. I should leave him in a few days. I must go back to my company I've promised to have only one week here. I stormed inside and trying to enjoy myself as much as I could. I must hang out with him again, I want him.

I wonder how to make him stay over for couple of days. Does he like movies, games, or what? What?! Will he ever hang out with me again? Maybe I'm rushing things too much and he'll end up hating me. But I'm eager to know everything about him. I missed his voice....

I dialled Pete's phone but turned it off. I wrote a message but ending up deleted it all. I'll pick him up so he won't say no. What was the name again? Well, it's like Any, no Amy, no. Abbey University. At the time I arrived, the students just got out. I saw Peter walking all alone and shrieked as he saw me. In a quick pace he came to my side.

"Hi Pete!"

"Hi!" Sounds like asking rather than greeting.

"Wanna watch movies? Maybe at my house or cinema?"

"I don't watch movies." He hissed.

"How about games?"

"No. But your house not bad." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yay." I pulled him up my bike.

I unlocked the door, "Put your belongings anywhere." I put my cell phone in my room.

"Ouch!" He bumped to me.

"Did you just followed me?"

"I wanna see your room and you didn't say I'm unallowed."

"Well." Like I'm stupid.

"You like reading novels?" He searched through the book, "I also like this kind of story."

"Which one?"

"This." He showed me and dropped the book. Seeing me took of my t-shirt he screamed in a high pitch.

"Why?" Smiled. "It's hot here."

"You asked why! You took off your shirt like noone's around."

"Someone's here." I leaped toward him. Gritting teeth. "I wanna eat you."

"Fine! I'll go back home." He jogged pass the door.

"Peter, you hate me? You keep ignoring me especially when I got closer."

"No. I won't like the idea of these as playing around."

"Sorry. I went overboard cause you didn't reject me. Guess we can't get closer anymore."

"What's your intention?" He finally stopped walking.

"To have a date with you. But it's over even before I have the chance."


"My vacation ends tomorrow."

"You're on a vacation?"


"Tell me more about it."

I hold his hand and sitted him on the couch. I sat across him. "I'm a homeschooling high schooler. Doing part time job at some company back in New York. Given one week vacation and I chose the place I used to live, here." My heart ached. "I think I've fallen for you." I leaned backward.

"Uhm, yes. You think.... What!"

"You're straight? Sorry, should have known it."

"No, I'm gay. Just surprised." He mashed my lips. Rubbing my chest. I moaned. Irresistible. I locked my hands around his neck. Our lips parted. Taking a breath. He slid his tounge inside my mouth, rubed my tounge. Like fighting. My hands slid down his shirt, unbuttoning it. Hugging him closer. So warm. We talked for hours, laughing a lot. He cuddled in my arm till the sun rises.

We brushed teeth and showered. He wear my clothes to his college. This morning was so silent. I said sorry and waved goodbye. I hoped we can meet again. I love him. I grabbed burger and soda on my way to the airport. I ate it fast in the cab.

Peter POV

I went to school in his clothes. Funny. He's a jerk. Bumped to me a few times, maked me fall for him and all in instant. The sky cloudy, gladly I'm already in front of my locker. I sort things out to bring it to my class. It's weird how everything went back to nornal. Study hard, no friends.

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