Chapter 10

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Peter's POV

"Get inside Pete, hurry. You're bleeding." Ryan shoved me into his house.

"So? As if that'd matter a second ago." I tugged the first aid he just brought here. "You don't have to pretend you care, thank you."

"Gosh, Pete. Don't do this to me." He turned away after finishing stopping my blood and cleaning it.

"Do what?" I half yelling to him.

"You've left me."

"Yeah, I manage leaving you alone and it felt great."

"Bet you'll leave me again." His eyes glistened in fear.

"So what if I'll do what I did? Nothing's going to change." I grimaced.

"There'll be changes indeed, cause everytime you left I felt better." I could tell he's lying from his eyes and if it's hurting him, he'll twitched slightly.

"Good, I'm not needed." I smiled faintly. "Please do as I say, leave the place that I've ever known and take Cyan with you. There shall be no problem at all. Thanks." I turned to walked away.

"I won't listen to you betrayer."

"Please go away." I believe he'll do it.

"I won't, manwhore."

"Yeah, swear a lot, I'd like it." I'm sure he can take care of himself.

"I won't unless you come with me."

"What? What a crazy statement that was so lame."

He stormed out of the house and hauling me. "I can't hear you." He sang as he launched a square punch on my already broken nose. Nice.

"I said lame." Half sneering.

"You.... You'll be damned to hell."

"Thank you." I released myself from his grip. "Just do as I say, go away."

"Sure, I hate you too much to see that broken nose again."

"Yeah." Great. Pathetic me trying to find a shelter after the first drop of the rain on my head made me realised I've been carried by him. The one who let me go earlier. "Hey, why are you here?"

"I..." The words after that are all unheard. I'm slowly transferred through the darkness to Jack's house.

Ryan's POV

"Sure, I hate you too much to see that broken nose again." I avoid the depressed look of him.

"Yeah." He left me.

He left me.... Where should I go? Why should I go? He hate me that much? Despite what I've given him? Oh, God. I'm so frustrated. The clouded sky started pouring rain on me as my tear stream down my cheeks.

I don't know how many hours I've been outside, laying on the grass my skin started to itch. I got up and wobbled into my house. I felt so weak I can't stand tall. I locked my doors as I finished packing my back and leave hoping this'd be my best idea.

Peter's POV

I went underground. It smell like home. Someone's been guiding me to the end of the tunnel, a dungeon.

"Shh, don't touch the wall, it have snakes hiding in it." The voice resembled my mom's. "I'm not your mom, I'm your great great grandmother." Hmm, a man is my grandmother how.... "Don't finish the sentence kid, I know everything about you. I'm a witch, I can do anything on a whim."

"Ouch, sh..."

"Don't swear, kid. I dislike it." She blew away the door to open and let us in. "This is the place you'll be living for a few weeks while your doppleganger in Jack's house must merge with your real frame, here." I don't understand. "Find a way to leave Jack. Please do it the way you left Ryan if you have to."


"You'll know very soon, my dear."

Jack's POV

Peter often mumbling a lot when he's asleep, sometimes he would move along as he did so, I can't comprehend what he was doing so I just staring at him. He even sleep through the night waking up and staring at the ceiling like freak. Seeing him like this breaking my heart. What's so wrong about him?

Just now I awoken by a loud thud. He fell to the floor while giving me a puzzled look. "Did you shocked yourself?"

"Yeah." He answered ever so casually.

I climbed of the bed, lifting him up to bed. "Nightmares you won't tell me about?" Lame statement.

He squeezed my hand smiling. "Yeah."

I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms on my chest. "Look."

"What?" He speak in disbelief.

"Look at me."

"I'm looking at you." He shrugged.

"Not at me, but my eyes. Look, if you're going to have the rest of this week with me then at least tell me the thruth. I ain't buying lies." My eyes sting from the refused look he gave me. Why?

"Well, fine then." He got up of the bed and packed his belonging.

"Why? What's wrong with me?" I sobbed. "You hate me?"

"Yes." He said no. "Don't worry bout me. I'm fine." He screamed though he said he wants me inside.

"Don't lie!" I yelled through my clenched jaws.

"Did not." He sling the bag on his shoulder.

"Did so. I heard your thoughts."

"Oh." He replied dryly.

"I'll fulfil whatever wishes you have." He laughed at me.

"So what?" Like I care words of him pierced through my ears.

"Don't leave." I hugged him from behind.

"Whatever." He let go of my hands and walked away.

Peter's POV

"Wait, wait, please wait granny, what're you doing?"

"I'm showing you the truth."

"Why would they kill him?"

"Cause you're grandpa is on the right path."

"Why he looks like Jack and Ryan?"

"He is Jack and Cyan, Ryan was his younger brother that has been reawakened to company his miserable vampire life and Jack used to be his bestfriend but they become enemy as they're fighting for the same girl. Stupid."

"Why won't you revenge grandpa?"

"I wanna kill them from a far, but it's no use, it'll be nice of you if you help me with it." She laughed histerically as if she finally win the race.


"A knife would be enough." She handed me a sharp blade. "I'm sure you'll do the best."

"Sure, granny."

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