Twenty Four: Animal Attack

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"I still don't understand why they need me out there." I say as Paul reaches 90mph on the long winding road to Forks. Somehow it isn't raining this morning and I'm yearning for the sun to come out.

"Me either, they could've easily asked Bella." Paul growls deeply, I can hear the sharpness in his voice. His knuckles are turning a whitish color from griping the steering wheel so hard. His nose is scrunched and his eyebrows frowed. He really doesn't want me going. "Sam needs you to make sure that the leeches are gone before we come."

"Well, I'm glad to help." I calmly say and he turns to frown at me.

"I'm not." He spits. "I don't want you in Forks at all now that the bloodsuckers are back and the red head is on the loose."

"That's going to be difficult because I live in Forks." I say and cross my arms over my chest so they flatten out my boobs.

"About that-"

"Paul, I'm not moving." I state sternly as I uncross my arms before he can even finish his sentence. He keeps staring at the road.

"I guess Emily already told you the plan then." He sighs and shakes his head. Then turns to look at me and I see the concern in his eyes, yet his grip never loosened on the steering wheel. "Look, it's the only way to keep you safe. I can't protect you in Forks."

"You can't just control my life, Paul." I explain. "I love living in Forks, it's the first home I've ever had. I'm not leaving my dad, or Bella." Even if Bella betrayed Jake and I by going to save Edward, she was still my sister.

"We're going to have to finish this conversation later." He sighs, slowly pulling over to the side of the road and stopping the car. "I can't go any further." He gets rushes to get out of the rabbit and opens my side door. "Be safe." He says and cups my face with his wide soft hands. He gently kisses me on the forehead and I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Call me when they leave."

"Okay." I mumble and nod my head. He turns around and disappears into the thick emerald forest that seemed to stretch on forever. I hop out of the car and get into the drivers side. I didn't have to drive for long to see the lights flashing red and blue coming from the edge of town. I pulled up and saw the familiar cruiser, forgetting that I'm supposed to be at school right now. I quickly come up with an excuse in my head and get out of car. There are police cruisers and a coroner surrounding the scene. There were civilians trying to see what was going on and police officers keeping them away from the scene. The ditch is surrounded by yellow tape and police officers. Through the yellow tape there was a body, covered with a white sheet lying in the ditch. I spotted Carlisle Cullen getting into his car as I parked the rabbit near the edge of the scene. He gave me a small nod and I could see the sparkling amber color that his eyes are. He shut his car door and drove off.

"Cailyn!" I snap out of it as I hear my dads voice and turn around. He hugs me tightly. "What are you doing here?"

"I left my ball shoes at the house, I came back to get them and saw all the-"

"Never mind that- You shouldn't be here." He says and kisses me on top of my head, which confuses me. The tone of his voice doesn't match the meaning of his words. He holds me in this position for a couple more seconds, I can hear his heartbeat and his soothing hands rubs my head as we stand at the edge off all the police cars. For a moment it feels like we're the only two people on the world, all the sirens fade away and it's just me and my dad. He smells like black coffee and chewing tobacco. "I love you Cails." He says and lets go of our hug.

"I love you too, Dad." I say and he wraps one arm around me. He looks behind me and rolls his eyes, which I've never seen him do. I furrow my brows, confused, and turn my head to look at what he's annoyed at. There's another officer walking towards us. He's a younger officer with no hair and a thin mustache and goatee. I assume it's O'Mallory, the officer he can't stand.

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