Chapter 2☆ The meet

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We reached the parking lot and i realized that i left my Jacket in my room but i was willing to let it pass until i noticed that i didnt have my phone so i had no choice other than to rush in and pick it....

On my way up stairs i noticed my mom on the Couch and she gave me a rather worrying glare but my subconcious reminds me....'your pissed with her so go a head and move passed her like you dont care'... and i had no choice but obligued

I walked passed my mum up to my room but deep down some where in my heart i wished she said some thing but then again it would stir up a whole other mood that am not ready to dramatize right now.

I picked my phone and reached the parking lot and i recalled  leaving my
Jacket yet again but no, am not going back in there....because ill be back before night fall and besides its Summer so why not embrace the warmth

"So you ready or..." Tristian asks

"yah sure...buttt...wait!!.."

" Yeah Lyn what's up...

"Ahamm Trist....this aint your car..."

" yah so!! ...just get in Lyn.." he chuckles with a small but noticeable smirk..

It was a black BMW and i have to admit it was cousey and i loved the way i would back jerk due to the accelerator and the a.c alone made the car smell of mint that was so chilly....

I noticed the flash drive that was connected and didnt hesitate to turn it on ...the music blazed in the small space the car provided to us.

Me and Tristian sang along to the whole Rare album of Selena Gomez
And before we noticed we pulled over to a drive way of his friends house.

As i was stepping out of the car Trist was already at the door step....

The house seemed rather odd , may be beacause it was a fraternity house and it seemed they were throwing a party but oh well....i need the distruction now more than ever...

We entered the frat house and the whole atmosphere was filled with smoke most from the cigarettes that they kept puffing out and i could see littered royal blue cups in almost everyone's hand most definetly with Different kinds of spirits.

On the other hand the lights with in the house were deem  but i could still see the way a collage girl was hooked up on her bottom aganist the wall as she grinded against boy's crotch as he kept touching her erotically following the music.But well...who cares , i came here to just get stuff off my mind and forget my problems.

We kept walking through the crowded hall way while i closely followed Tristian so that i wouldnt get lost because who knows....i could barely see even my own feet and the last thing i want is to get lost and have to ask directions from a bunch of drunk collage freaks.

We finally reach a stair case entry that led us staright to a basment and i was glad because there was no crowd or wasted College freeks  down the hallway . Tristian enters one of the rooms and as he goes in he mutters

"Ahhm..Lyn could you stay right here for a moment ....Just dont move or speak to the classified creepy people.."

He lests out a loud laugh
And reply him with the most childsh pout .In my opinion....humanity is just literally creepy all through..oh gosh how i hate people.

"i mean it Lyn...

"ok ok Trist go what you have to do...ill stay right here"..

The hallway had about eight rooms running down and across each other with quite a nice finishing for a fraternity house...and as i was still grading the frat house am knocked back to reality when a group of Boys come down the hallway stair case.

The boys looked so roudy as though they were from a fight,they approched where i was standing, one of the boys who looked beaten and drunk suddenly drops to his knees , but before his whole body could even touch the ground his friends held him 'lap dogs you mean..."my subconcious adds...
Well to be honest they did look like his lap dogs and not to mention they kept shouting 'T.k ! T.k!!...shit Bro ?!!  Thats messed upp....ohhh nooo shit!!"
I wonder whether T.K is his name.

I didnt realize how close they were until The messed up Drunk raised his hand dramatically and waved saying
"...i seee youuu...youuu see meee??...Huh!! you !!do you!!

I was taken aback by his pathetic charade and  was craving to end it.

"hey you dush bags! listen up pick up your sorry ass friend and take him to the mother fucking asylum...i aint no mental rehabilitation doctor..."is what my subconcious mutters in my head..

But in the flesh i simplify to his friends,

"Aham guys ...but they seemed not to hear....

"GUYS!!!!....i say in a louder tone

One of the guys wearing a leather jacket turns over to look at me , he had a tattoo at his temple having the Initials of K.L.M
Most probably his name or his girlfrend  ..or maybe mom...why am i even thinking this....
His hair was dark shade of brown with kinky african texture and trimmed on the sides ...and his eyes alone captured a rare aura to my appreciation ...may be because they were noticable a noticeable brown and blended with his hair colour..
He walks and steps closer towards me and this messed up drunk.

"did yah jus squeak yah lital brat...he says in rather a deep and intimidating tone....

Well the benefits of being  Lynnette Darcy is that i always stand my grounds but when my line is crossed i roast...and this stupid jerk face seems to be crossing it  but for now ill keep my cool...

"Never mind ...
Buh your friend here needs you all and his botheri.....i reply and before i could finish my sentence the whole group bursts out in laughter in Unison...

Another jerk face out of the four of them starts mimicking my earlier on statement in a high pictched tone that did even sound like me but rather annoying

Mr.K.L.M....what i decided to call him in my head, starts awkwardly walk around circling me and before i knew it all five boys were surrounding me

In my head i was so intimidated, frightened, can name it
I started wondering out of all odds....

Could they!!...Noo
Would they!!..Noo
Can they!!!....i cry aloud out of desperation saying,

"what the hell do you guoons want from me..

"You gat the nerve lil bitch....what could we possibly want from the unwanted...right..., he laughs and along with the rest they chuckle and ggigle with his lame joke.

"i am not scared of any of you!! not now and definitely not you may just shut that toilet inlet you call a mouth ok M.r...!!

Just when i felt i made a point "Mr.K.L.M" shut me up by coming closer and closer and i couldnt even move a step back...or else id bump into the guy standing right behind me....and oh ewe for that matter
He was inches away from my face
He held out his index finger and pressed it against my lips and said,

"shshsh!! talk way too much...we just want to play ,...and for the record K.L.M is not to be mentioned by you ...its Le~Ham..."

(😊thank you all sunbeams🌞 for reaching at this point with me...i promise an update tomorrw...and please vote like and please leave a comment....thank you alll)

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