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Placing her head on pillow she close her eyes with intention to sleep because her period cramp were becoming severe with every passing minute. Curling herself in a ball she hugged her knees and pressed her belly with both hands.

"Allah..." She groaned in dull tone and a tear rolled down from her left eye. Somehow she managed to made herself stand to arrange a hearing pad for herself and looked towards the wall clock which was showing quarter to four, that means there were some two hours in Adnaan's arrival.

Placing the hot pad on her belly she covered herself with blanket and the heat calm down her muscles in a while which eventually pulled her in the arms of slumber.


“Yes sir?”

"Reach her home within ten minutes" Avinash ordered in arrogant voice

"Ten minutes? But my home is half an hour away from her home"

"It's not my matter of concern, I need you there within ten minutes, that's it!" Saying that Avinash cut the call without giving him a single chance to respond.

Dialling another number he placed the mobile on his ear, and wait for receiving the call.


"Cut off the power supply of finance department" Avinash ordered to get an "okay" in reply and his order was fulfilled within five minutes making the finance department covered in darkness.

And then he typed a text before hitting the send button I'm already doing good amount of efforts for you! Better not to be late tonight!

He wait for a good minute to get the reply from Mansi

I'll be there on right time

The text brought a smirk on his face. He just put down the mobile on tablet and exactly the same happened what he wanted to be happen. He received a call from Adnaan

"Yeah Adnaan?"

"Bro, there is some issues with the power supply of our department! We're unable to work..." Adnaan informed about the result of plan to the mastermind.

"What? Issues in power supply?" Avinash's exclaiming voice was so real that no one can understand the reality behind that

"So you all take leave for now, I'll manage something for repairing" Adnaan hummed in response and cut the call before announcing off for every employee of finance department.


Her peaceful and must needed slumber was disturbed by the unpleasant sound of doorbell, groaning with irritation she woke up, still feeling pain, but not severe like before

Again the unpleasant sound of Ting Tong pushed her to step down from bed. In sleepy condition she stepped toward the door and open that.

"Qaleel... You" She muttered and covered her mouth with the back of her palm whole yawning.

"Umm... I was crossing by this area so, thought to meet you" He said with a smile and Sara tried to smile but she was feeling so sleepy that her expressions were still on rest.

"Andar bula kr chai nahi pilaogi?" He asked with a smile and Sara nodded slowly, though she didn't want to call him inside, she only wanted to sleep but as a token morality she gave him space to enter in.

(Won't you offer me tea?)

"For you" passing a flower bouquet to Sara he said but she didn't grabbed .

"But why?" she asked with furrowed brows.

"Just a small thank you gift in return of your help" this time Sara grabbed the bouquet of red roses

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