26. Tomorrow

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I stared out of the window, unable to sleep. It was dark outside, and my little house felt cold, even though it wasn't. I pulled my blanket tighter around my shoulders, still staring at the snowy yard.

Something bothered me. I'd been restless ever since I got chased out of the shopping street. I couldn't even close my eyes in fear of missing dark figures sneaking behind the trees. I feared the group would return now that I had nowhere to run.


I frowned and rubbed my temples. I was scared of them, but it wasn't just that. Something else was bothering me.

When I looked up, I saw movement behind the trees and tensed immediately, only to realize it was just the guards making their rounds. I let out a long breath, trying to calm myself. I should be sleeping. I was safe in my cabin. The doors were locked, and I doubted anyone would actually attack me.

The group from earlier had just wanted to scare me... They had succeeded in it, but...

I stared at the trees again. Was it really them I expected to see lurking around? No. A group of teenage bullies wasn't the worst I'd faced.

"This place... It's stirred. Something is wrong, but I... I sense nothing, but the shadows in you gave it away. They've become restless. The enemy is making their move. Soon."

That's what he said in my dreams. The nameless god. I placed my hand over my chest, wondering if it was really I who was restless, or the maggots inside me? I wanted to call out to the god, but I stayed silent. They couldn't know he was here. I wasn't sure how private my thoughts were with the infestation in me, but I'd spent enough time with Henry to know shadows couldn't hear my thoughts as long as they weren't possessing me.

And the god was right, I already did trust him. I didn't want to reveal his presence to our enemy. We needed all the tricks in our sleeve as we could get.

The guards passed by my cabin again, and I tensed up for nothing. This place is stirred... Did he mean the world, or the territory? As far as I was aware, the city and the Blue Moon lands were heavily protected against shadows, but it wasn't just the shadows we were fighting against.

I breathed out in disappointment when I realized I really should've told Rayleigh about the god's words. At least the Greek gods knew, so I hoped they had warned the Alpha by now. They must have warned him.

I lay down but continued staring at the sky behind the window, wishing I could fall asleep. Maybe the god would then be able to visit me and tell me something new.

Why would it matter, though? What could I do to help anyone? I couldn't even help myself. My job was to keep the infestation in me locked up. If they really were part of the old world, we would all be doomed if they got out.

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