29. Possessed

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I watched Jack as he slept on the couch, curled up under heavy blankets. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I feared something would happen to him if I did.

I never should've left him alone. I should've walked him to his door. I'd smelled the dead animals but thought nothing of it as the hunters' headquarters was so close. That place always smelled like death after their hunt.

I should've followed him to the door...

If it weren't for Fenrir, I would've just walked away. When he suddenly stood behind me on the pathway, telling me to hurry back to Jack, that something was wrong, I never gave a second thought to why that guard had caught up with me so fast, or how he knew Jack was in trouble. I just acted out of pure instinct. I was so goddamn happy that I acted, or I would've hated myself even more.

But his spirit still broke again. How bad it was this time, I dreaded finding out. He had been doing so much better already... He had been healing. He had been stepping out of his shell. He was finally letting me in!

And I didn't follow him. If I had followed him, maybe we could've avoided damaging his spirit.

Jack moved in his sleep, slowly changing his position. At least he looked peaceful under the covers. His dreams were gentle on him. At least I hoped so.

After Jack stopped moving, Aurora let out a silent breath behind me. She, too, was staring at him, watching over him like only she could. She had carried his human spirit, just like I had carried his wolf, and I could feel she was connected to him like a mother connected to her child. And then there was the god outside. Jack clearly knew him, but it was obvious he hadn't known the god's name either.

Maybe Jack knew he was well-protected now. Maybe that was why he slept so peacefully.

I hoped so. I would never let him get hurt.

I wondered if Jack would ever let me close enough to reveal his secrets to me. He hadn't even told me about the bullies. I wished I had known. I wished he had told me, so I could've taken care of it. Maybe he would have if we'd had more time to get closer.

A car stopped in front of the house, and both Aurora and I stood up and listened in silence, ready for anything. But it was Jaden, Tilly and Oliver. I made sure Jack was still asleep before I went to open the door.

My friends were staring at Fenrir by the car. Fenrir stared at them, but stayed lying down.

"That's..." Jaden spoke.

"Another god," I said, gesturing for them to come in. "Fenrir."

The god in question laid his head back down.

"Okay then, sure, why not," Jaden said, and all three of them made their way around the massive wolf.

"Oh, no," Oliver breathed out when he climbed up, staring somewhere behind me. "His spirit..."

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