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Mai sat on Hagrids shoulder silently. Thinking about the school year ahead. Especially since Harry Potter is returning to the wizarding world and his first year at Hogwarts.

Yes she's heard of Potter. Pretty sure every witch and wizard knows of Harry Potter. Whether it be for good reasons or bad reasons.

She looked up at the arriving train in the distance and her mind replays the last conversation with Professor Snape.

"Mai. Can I ask a favour off of you?" He asked as he sat at his desk. Planning lessons ahead of time.

She hummed a response and looked at him. "Hmm? Yeah sure."

"Look after that Potter boy. As much as I dislike the boy because of his father. I have a moral duty to look after him because of who his mother is."

Mai nodded softly. "Of course. I'll look after the boy."

"thank you."


She hummed as the train came to a screech halt. Looking at all the young children poking their heads out the window or the faces pressed against the glass to get a sneak peak at the famous castle sitting dormant on the mountain.

Mai unfolds her wings and takes lift off from Hagrids shoulder, flying up and landing on a nearby post. A latern hanging down below her body, but the light produced not reaching her, leaving her in the dark with just her intimidating icy blue eyes to be seen boldly glowing from the shadows.

Her eyes scan the crowds until Mai hears Hagrid say. "Ah 'ello 'arry!" Causing her attention to snap at the half-giant. Noticing the Weasley boy she met just months earlier standing alongside a raven haired boy. Large circular glasses framing his eyes and inhancing them just slightly.

Mai kept an eye on the boy as he chatted away with Hagrid, Only then for them to turn away and slowly waddle down to the boats.

She sighed quietly before unfolding her wings and following Hagrid. Letting the air catch under her wings and drag her to Hagrid.

By the time they are halfway on the lake, she's caught up, so she just spends the time flying alongside the boats, tilting so her wing clips the water before levelling herself back out.

"Who's owl is that? Aren't they suppose to be in cages by the luggage?" Harry questioned as he motioned to Mai.

"Oh! That's Mai. She's Hogwarts owl. She delivered my families hogwarts letters." Ron said. Harry nodding in understandment.

Mai swooped down to Hagrid's boat and landed on the side.

"It'll be different from now on."

"'ow come?" Hagrid questioned, turning to her.

"Potter is here. He who shall not be named has a personal vendetta against him. If he is alive just hiding, as we both assume, he'll come for the boy." She turned her head and looked at the lightning bolt scarred boy gazing up at the castle while talking to the redhead next to him.

"I suppose yeh righ'" Hagrid agreed with a smile. Mai hummed a response.

"What's Potter like?"

"'Arry is a rather sweet boy, knows nothin' 'bout magic." He explained. "Carers weren' that nice. Had him in a stair cupboard."

"What nasty guardians." She hissed angrily, her head snapping to Hagrid at hearing such news. Hagrid nodded with a hum before putting the lantern stick to the side and exiting the boat.

Mai took her cue to fly off up to the castle. Cooing a goodbye to the new students and through the gates of Hogwarts.

Hellloooo!~ Welcome to Professor Snapes Maledictus II! The sequal to Professor Snapes Maledictus! I hope you'll like this as much as you loved the previous book.

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