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Yatee P.O.V.

I just ran as fast as I can to get out of the room. Swami and his questions weren't getting over. I reached the bathroom and I shut the door behind me. Then I looked in the mirror. I was completely in a mess. I went ahead and took a nice, warm bath. Even though it helped me to have a clear skin, my mind, was still, amongst the entangled thoughts.

I didn't knew why, I was feeling something different while seeing Swami like that. A sudden foreign feeling rushes upto my mind whenever I'm in his vicinity. His smile acts as a magic on my mind, forcing me to forget everything about the world. I didn't knew why this happened. Maybe because I'm not used to be around men. Maybe because I'm not used to be around him. Let's think about it later on. Right now, I must be there at kitchen. I promised Mamanji to make his favourite dish for breakfast, Amboli ( a type of pancake made of various pulses.) I had prepared the batter beforehand, so it was just to cook them. It was going to be a surprise for Mamanji.

Soon I was in the Royal Kitchen. A few ladies were there, waiting for me. We all started with the cooking of breakfast. I had asked Kanta tai to invite everyone for breakfast. I even had cooked everyone's favourite dish. Wheat flour pancakes for Mamanji and Kanta tai, a spicy version of same for Sripad Bhauji and Narayan Bhauji, rice pancakes for Dadasaheb, Sasubai and Yashomaan Bhauji and some of mixed lentils for Lakshmi and Kumud. Nutritional pancakes for Mohini as per her diet.

Soon everyone gathered at the dining room. No one, except Kanta tai knew why they were called together. Plates were layed out. Everyone took their seats. Mohini was given a special seat as she couldn't sit down due to pregnancy.

They were about to start when Mamanji along with Swami entered. Sudden feeling of shyness filled my mind. I rushed to the kitchen saying that I needed to cook some more pancakes.

Chandrashekhar P.O.V.

I entered the dining room. Everyone was seated there. I was about to sit when I saw Yatee going towards the kitchen. She left in the same way as she did in the morning. Maybe something is going on in her mind. I seated besides Ram and Matoshri. Soon the breakfast was served. Everyone had a different dish in their plate. It seemed like we were having some sort of celebration here. The food was being served. I was the last person to be served. Yatee entered the room with a covered plate and served me. I tasted the food. It was beautiful. No one had cooked perfect pancakes till date. Then I closely observed everyone's plate. Everyone was having their favourite variety of pancake. Even I was served my favourite - one made up of Green gram. It was served with fresh coconut chutney and spicy peanut chutney.

I ate untill both, my mind and ofcourse, stomach were full. It was a treat after a long practice session. We all went to the court after the breakfast. We had a short day today. It was because in the evening, the ladies were having a night out along with Mohini's Baby Shower. We were allowed to witness the Baby Shower but after that, it was strictly prohibited for men to visit the ladies night out.

Yatee P.O.V.

I was so much exited to visit te Baby Shower and Night out. I'd never been to such functions before. It was because... Well I was prohibited for them at Giripur. But today, I'm going to enjoy a lot. But before that, I needed to be in the court. It was an short day. By afternoon, most of the things were done. The rest of the work was left for tomorrow. We all had our lunch and retired to our chambers. I had took Hari with me for his afternoon nap as Kanta tai was doing preparations for evening.

Soon Hari drifted to a deep sleep. I placed him gently on the bed when Dhara Bai came in and said Swami was coming.

I patted Hari's head when he entered into the room. He sat besides us and gave his most humble and peaceful smile to the sleeping Hari.

"Seems like the tiredness of the court vanishes when he smiles." He said as he continued to look at Hari who was smiling in his sleep.

"Yes. That's true. He is like a blessing of happiness for us. All the worries of the world get diminished in front of his little smile." I replied as our eyes met.

I kept staring at the deep blue eyes of him. His eyes felt like the entire ocean was inside him, currently calm, peaceful and humble; but when disturbed, the same eyes turn into a fierce storm, ready to destroy everything with its blue shrap waves.

Even though he was silent, his eyes spoke a lot of things. I could sense a line of tension, a line of joy, a line of happiness and love in his eyes. It seemed like he wanted to speak something but wasn't able to. It seemed like he wanted to tell me something but wasn't able to.

We broke our contact when Hari moved his arm. Swami patted his head and helped him to sleep again. Dadasaheb came by then. He had finished the preparations down for the Baby Shower. He picked up Hari and left. Again, after he left, our eyes met. The room was filled with silence, but his eyes spoke a lot. I decided to break the silence, as it was piercing my mind.

"Can I ask you something ?"

"Yes. Sure." He smiled.

"Which saree shall I wear tonight ? Because I've never been to such functions. So I don't know what all happens there." I said as I sat besides him.

"Come. Let's chose one for you." He got up and picked my arm. I followed him upto the dressing room.

He opened two of my trunks. I just sat behind him. He was constantly shifting from one box to another. After a huge battle of thoughts, he turned behind.

He had picked a sky blue coloured Paithani for me. It was paired with a matching blouse and a bright pink coloured Uparna.

"You have a great choice, Swami." I said as he handed me the same.

"Can I ask you something ?" He asked as he sat besides me.

"Yes. For sure."

"Can I ... Can I get you dressed up for today evening ?" He asked as he looked into my eyes.

"Yes. I'd be glad." I held his hand, noticing he is uncomfortable.


Another update !!

Do let me know in the comments how was this chapter.

Next update soon...

Till then, stay safe, take care and lots of love 💞

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