7: Suspicious

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Third Person POV

It's been two months since Jungkook met Taehyung. And these two months has been the most crazy, fun and enjoyable for Jungkook.

He not only completed his university work and all on time, but also did many fun activities, thanks to Taehyung. The rudeness and coldness which he usually shows to everyone was not there when he was with Taehyung.

They went together for 3 more car races, amusement parks, watched horror movies together, went to some places no one ever had known, and even did cooking (the food was burnt but both of them had fun).

They also went to spray paint at late night, and when they heard police coming nearby, it was their cue to run away, Taehyung helping by telling him hideous directions.

They also celebrated Jungkook's 22nd birthday together. No one remembered it actually leaving Taehyung. Jungkook was sad when no one wished him but then his mom and dad wished him later. He was so happy because it was the first time they had wished him without him telling.

The only thing he didn't know that Taehyung secretly messaged them about his birthday and then deleted it later so Jungkook wouldn't know.

Jungkook played guitar and also painted in front of Taehyung, showing off his skills.

He also spent some time with his girlfriend, Lisa, but as always, she would be busy most of the times.

And Taehyung too started feeling that something was wrong with the Lisa girl. He obviously didn't tell Jungkook about it because he knew, it would only create a fight between him and Jungkook.

Both of them got to know each other quite well. Taehyung found out what types of songs Jungkook likes, what's his favorite color, what's his favorite food, his favorite shirt and many things like that.

Jungkook on the other hand started to like Taehyung's bubbly nature. He always liked to stay with energetic people who would match his energy, and Taehyung was a whole new level of it.

He too found out Taehyung's likes and dislike. In fact, he found out that he liked to have a night sky watch when he was sad because of Taehyung.

You can say that they both started feeling free and started trusting each other. They would always wait to spend time with each other after Jungkook's university get's over.

Then, what about Jungkook's plan of returning Taehyung to those people who created him and getting his phone back? Jungkook doesn't know about that anymore. To be honest, he forgot that he even had made a plan like that. He saw Taehyung as a stranger at the start, but now, it's different.

So many good things happened this past two months right!?

The answer is 'Guess so'. You know why? Because poor Taehyung caught feelings for Jungkook. He started feeling something for the muscled bunny boy without him noticing. But what broke his heart he loved Jungkook even when Jungkook had a girlfriend. And when he saw them kissing or doing things, it felt like someone was stabbing him again and again.

Currently, Jungkook and Lisa were on a dinner date together. Jungkook took his phone with him, which means he took Taehyung with him.

Taehyung's POV

Jungkook and his girlfriend were on a dinner date and he took me with him indirectly. I mean, he took his phone with him and I had to tag along because I don't have any option.

I felt like I was third wheeling there because both of them were busy flirting and talking with each other. She looked so disinterested but Jungkook didn't even notice it. Was he so in love with her that he couldn't see anything wrong in her?

I sighed and looked away, trying to set aside that heavy feeling in my heart. I won't be selfish and try to take away Jungkook from Lisa. I will just make his life better by staying with him so that he won't have that feeling of loneliness.

So he just sat away from both of them, near the glass window of the hotel where a beautiful scene of the whole city could be seen. He stared outside, trying to recall the memories before he became a mobile phone.

-------Time skip-------
( The next day )

Taehyung's POV

Jungkook was currently attending his boring lectures. And me as always, decided to stroll around in the university.

As I was passing by a window near the passway of the university, I saw Lisa walking somewhere.

She was walking so suspiciously, looking here and there, so I decided to follow her and find out. Not that she was going to know I was standing there.

I ran towards where Lisa was going. She entered a classroom and locked the door. I just shrugged my shoulders and entered the room through the door.

But the next thing I saw made me widen my eyes. Lisa was kissing another guy.

I couldn't think of anything. So I just took a photo and continued to record what they were talking.

" I missed you babe." The guy said.

" We just met yesterday Lucas." Lisa playfully rolled her eyes.

" But I still *kisses her head* missed *kisses her nose* you *kisses both her cheeks*"

Lisa giggled at Lucas' actions.

" Why don't you just break up with that Jungkook. He is so dumb to not notice you don't love him back." The guy was now smirking.

" Aish, don't even talk about that idiot. I mean when he can trust me more than his friends who were there for him before me, he is a total dumbass." Lisa shook her head, smirking too.

" Did he transfer any money to you?" Lucas asked and she nodded.

" Yeah, I asked him to transfer some money to me on our so-called date" She made faces while saying 'so-called date'.

Lucas laughed and Lisa did too.

" Ah I want to see his face when he knows that you are playing with him." Lucas said.

" That's not going to happen any sooner. Let us enjoy his money and let me enjoy my fame. I already told you, he is a total fool. He won't even know about it that quickly." Lisa said.

Taehyung gritted his teeth. If only he could hit them. He needs to tell all of this to Jungkook. And now he has proof too. Jungkook will definitely believe him.


Oof! Finally Lisa is caught! Jungkook is finally gonna know.



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