Chapter 4

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-"Family" Bonding-

(I cant find my loading screen thingy:(

''You're the Cruel Slasher?!"

As soon as Billy and Stu yelled those words, everyone's eyes opened wide in realization of who I am. I thought that maybe only less than half of them would know me as 'The Cruel Slasher' or whatever people like to call me when they hear my name. I don't think I have ever wanted to kill myself more than ever at this very fucking moment.

"W-wait for real? We are r-right? Right?" Stu asked while Billy nodded. They looked almost nervous, should I say. Maybe that's not the right word. Whatever it was, I didn't want to know. I just got here and there was no way that I'm going to let these people fear me, without me even fucking doing anything.  As some people looked at each other and some whispered. Dr. Loomis and I stood there. Dr. Loomis standing there uncomfortably, while me on the other hand, stood there with anger coursing through my veins and thought about all the way I could grab those two fucking-cocksuckers and just-

"w-Well anyways as Billy and Stu said you may also know her as the cruel slasher." Dr. Loomis said out of nowhere. Even when no one fucking asked.

  As everyone looked at me, I had the urge to run out like a dog with its tail between its legs, but I won't because I'm not a furry. "Ok well it seems that maybe some of you have heard about Miss Y/N here. She is now a part of our little family here and I would very much appreciate it and I'm sure that Y/N would too. If you could all treat her with kindness and I think we could all work this out." He said with a little smile at the end.

"HA-" yelled Freddy. " Oh my g-god this is so good!" He said in between as he laughed. " If we were all one family I'm pretty sure I would be the favorite here. We can already tell this now." Everyone glared at him. "You know what? Since no one here is volunteering... I call dibs on being mama's boy!" He said with a smirk. I wonder what he is getting at? But I can just tell something bad is about to happen. "Is that alright with you. Norman?...Jason?.. Brahms?.. Is that alright?" He said with the biggest smirk I think I have ever seen before. Wow, I love it here. As soon as those words came out of his mouth.. 3 figures stood up. Brahms starting throwing whatever he could get his hands on at Freddy, Norman started to yell at him but he was just studding the whole time so I don't really know what he was even saying but all i heard was "M-mama" and "r-regret this". Or something like that. And Jason.... Oh boy. As fast as lighting, Jason stood up and start marching over to Freddy with what looked like pure hate in his eye and his arms were up and trying to choke Freddy. Jason got there just in time to start choking the living shit out of Freddy. Dr. Loomis started to yell at Brahms, Jason and Freddy, he also was yelling for more guards since there was only 2 guards in the room at the moment. I decide that the boys couldn't be the only ones having fun.

I ran up to one of the guards and wrapped the chain around my hands, around his neck and pulling as hard as i could, giving his neck a nice loud crack. Lucky since the guards and Dr. Loomis were distracted by those three, no one noticed me. As I dropped the body and looked around the room, my eyes landed on Michael, sitting as stiff as ever, but I could feel his eyes on me. I could see his hand twitching, wanting blood. We locked eyes and I guess we just knew what we were both thinking about.

As I stepped over the guards body, Michael stood up and started walking to me. As we stopped once we met halfway in the room. We turned to look around the room so we could see all the damage around us. Guards were starting to come in the room, trying to get Jason off of Freddy, while Carrie was being a sweetheart and trying to calm down Norman. At least Brahms stopped throwing things, but now he was just pouting and sitting on the couch while Hannibal was reading a book to himself and Brahms. Tiff was painting her nails while looking up every once in a while. Billy, Stu, and Chucky were laughing uncontrollably.

Michael turned to me as I did the same for Michael, we both nodded but just the tiniest of nods, we both got ready to charge at the guards. Michael took off first, I was kind of amazed at how light he could carry himself. Well I mean I could do it too, but I just never really met anyone with the size of Michael do that. I'm not judging! I promise, I'm just in...Awe, but anyways that's not the point. Michael grabbed two guards head and smashed them together, while I ran up to a guard and jumped onto their back, making them fall down to the ground. I jumped up and I felt like everything was going in slow motion. I got up and was trying to think of a way I could kill this bitch. I felt air coming from my next to me as I felt blood splashed on my face and a loud crunch following shortly after. Everything felt like normal again. I look down and I see the guard that was under me. He had his head smashed to pieces with a black shoe in the middle of it. As the foot was being lifted up, I followed the foot with my eyes to see what just happed. I traced my eyes up their legs, their hips, and up their chest and up to their eyes, only to come into eye contact with the infamous Michael Myers.  

He helped me up as we locked eyes. I felt... weird. I felt warm. Eh, most likely from the blood. We broke eye contract when the doors were slammed open and in came Dr. Loomis, by the way I didn't even knew he left...pussy. He came in with guards with... guns? But they didn't look right to be guns. The guards shot without hesitation. I felt little needles into my skin. I felt about 4 of needles into my chest from the guards guns but they didn't do anything? I felt fine... but sadly I spoke too soon. As soon as I took a step, I started to see stars. The last thing I rember was seeing Jason falling, with Freddy falling right no top of him, and Michael falling to his knees trying to stay awake.

Then everything went dark.

*A/N-- I am so sorry this is late.. I got run over by a ice cream truck and I'm going through the middle of sueing IKEA for getting lost in their store. My cat also flew away to space:'(

haha jk no I'm just lazy and forgot about this- also sorry that this is so short my bad:P

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