Chapter 7

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Smile and wave.
Cruel Dinner-(Part 2-- chapter 7)

"Well we do know the stories about you, duh!" I glared at Tiff with a raised eyebrow. "W-well yeah n-no offense bu-but everyone had heard yo-you. W-we just want to hea-hear it from y-you." I soften my glare just the tiniest bit while looking at Carrie.

"Yep what Car-bear said~" Tiff said with a smirk.  No! Not you to-too." Carrie whined to Tiff. I felt a little warmness from watching everything infront of me. Tiff teasing Carrie while she was trying to cover her bright red face, Thomas munching happily on his steak, Billy and Stu laughing and writing down jokes and pranks to use later, Jason and Michael doing what looks to be a drawing idea. Norman, Hannibal and Brahms talking about classical music and books, well.  Brahms is talking to himself about that one cat in the hat book he read one time and while Norman and Hannibal are talking about Pride and Prejudice (Great book check it out:) Freddy and Chucky talking about their best kill.

Such lively people. I looked at Freddy as I said that. I take that back. At least no one was harassing one another like at my old place. scary.

"Just trust me guys." Stu said out of nowhere as him and Billy were now talking to Freddy and Chucky. "You do NOT want to go to jail. It horrible. No one has any kind of soul in there. Dont get me started on the snake eyes." Freddy looked like he was having some flashback, Chucky started blankly at them. "Snake eyes?? What the hell are you even talking about!?" Chucky leaned in to get more infomation about whatever the fuck stu was talking about. I had no clue myself. "Wait hold up.. You been to jail before?" Freddy asked as chucky started to yell as his question wasnt getting answered.

"Yea. Like once in monopoly." Stu grumbled out as Freddys eye started to twitch and Chucky had a bright smile on his face. Ew. Its kinda creeping me out.  "What." Freddy croaked out as he gripped onto the table for dear life, while chucky seemed to not even be in our world.

"whoa buddy. Are you mad? You look mad." Stu said to freddy as he smirked.

"I'm not mad."

"Well your face is all screwed up like you're mad. and it looks pretty ugly. Not really a good look for the ladies Freddy."

"I'm perturbed, not mad."


"Whoa. a big still look mad.. The ugly kind."

"ALRIGHT THATS IT YOU BITCH" Freddy hopped over the table to grab Stu by the front of his shirt. He started to stragle Stu while Stu grabbed the fork that was on his tray and stab Freddy in the back with it. It broke. Well it was plastic. But that didn't stop Stu still stabbing it into Freddy's back. He grabbed the broken fork out of his back and brought it up to Stu eyes. At this point, most of the guards in the room were coming over to Freddy ready to beat the living shit out of him.

I'm so excited.

Billy jumped into action to save his man. He grabbed his tray and slammed it onto Freddy, which made him let go and let out a few not so nice words. Chucky seemed to snap out of his trance and started to laugh and jumped onto Billy, pulling at his hair and making his try to get the ugly cabbage patch doll off of him. Brahms screaked as a flying tray was coming his way. throwing his own tray to block it off.

'Tray+Tray=No tray' was the reasoning that brahms threw his tray. sadly, his aim stinks like jasons mom as he missed the tray completely and ended up hitting Carrie with his tray. Brahms still got hit by a tray.

Bramhs mashed potoas and green bean rolled down Carries face and clothes. Me and Tiff Stared at her as her botton lip started to tremble.  "Oh hell no." Tiffany said as she slowly turned her head over to bramhs. He froze in fear and also started to tear up. " I HAVE HAD TO SEE YOUR CRUSTY,MUSTY ASS FACE EVERYDAY AND IM SURPISED THAT IM NOT FUCKING BLIND. IM EVEN SURPISE I STILL HAVE MY NOSE WHEN IS THE LAST TIMNE YOU TOOK A SHOWER YOU-" slay. go get him.

And Hannibal just had to chime in. "Now that is quite rude. We are all members of-" Tiffany cut Hannibal off by now yelling at him instead. not surpising when Hannibal just sit there. Actually. he looks like he would enjoy this.

As Tiff jumped over the table. I slid in next to Carrie. Gently grabbing her chin and facing her towards me. Using her napkin to carefully wiped away the food and tears on her face.
"My Mak-makeup." She said with tears brimming in her eyes again. "Tif-tiffany did my make-makeup this morning. And now I-I r-rui-ruined it"

—(if I do something like this just pretend that I said the POV changes)

"The green beans. They really bring out your eyes."

Carrie looked up through her lashes at the person who's shirt was stained with her own tears. It was a slight croaky sound and it almost sounded painful in tone.

"Oh! Th-thank you!" She could feel a little warmth in her cheeks as the sound of their voice played in her mind.

But she blushes at everything. So it must just be the embarrassment. Right?

Knocked out of her thoughts. Carrie felt taps on her back as Tiffany let her know that dinner was over and everyone would be sent out. Tiffany seemed to be a bit out of breath, along with her hair all messed up as if she just got in a fight.

The doll smirked and started to tease the shy girl that was holding into yourself as if they were a teddy bear. 

Just smile and wave. Smile and wave.

Omg I'm alive😜 but just in case some of you guys don't really understand. Pretty much the only thing you guys get to pick is your name. Sorry if that sounds rude and all but I'm a little tired of the complaining🫶🫶Thanks. But Erm yeah. Bye

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