9~ Almost Kisses

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"Are you ready to go?" Alex popped into the informal dining room, where I was coloring with Flynn.

It's been a week since truth or dare and never have I ever.

"Yeah, give me a second" I answered and finished my part of the drawing.

Alex and I were going to eat and maybe watch a movie. We would ask the other boys to go with us but they're all busy. Ashton has football practice, Briar is partying, Jasper is with his girlfriend, Silas is at a sleepover and Parker is doing something. I didn't get any information on him.

I stood up to get my things and Sydney came in frantically. She sighed with relief to see Alex and I. She was dressed in a plum purple dress that fit her perfectly in all the right places. There were jewels at the top and an open back.

"Wow, Sydney you look amazing" I stared at her I awe.

"Thank you Aspen" she smiled at me and turned to Alex. "Alex, I need you to stay with Flynn, I let Dannie off for the night because everyone was gone, then Rhett went to a friends house and now there's no one to watch Flynn. I know you two were going to go out and have fun but I really need you" she pleaded.

I could see Alex was about to say no and I couldn't let that happen to Sydney.

"Mom" he started before I cut him off.

"Don't worry Sydney we'd love to take care of him" I smiled at her. The next thing I know I am being pulled into a hug.

"Thank you so so much Aspen, I owe you big time" I could tell a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and that made me happy.

"Don't mention it" I waved her off as we came out of the hug. "You don't owe me anything, I'm happy to help"

She looked at her phone and her eyes went wide. "I have to go,"

"Where's Dean?" Alex asked.

"In the car waiting for me. Thank you so much" she smiled at me while frantically grabbing all of her things. "I love you Alex" she called as she rushed out of the house.

"Love you too!" He called after her.

He dragged me to the living room.

"What the hell, Aspen? Why did you say yes? We were just about to leave" he asked, clearly upset with me.

"Because your mother needed the help" I explained calmly. "She already looked stressed out enough she did not need to worry about Flynn too"

"That's why we have Dannie, we can still catch the movie if we call her" he made a move for his phone but I snatched it from his hand. It earned me a glare but I didn't care.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Alex is normally really sweet and caring.

"You can't just call her on her day off. She deserves a break. You can sit in here and be an asshole but I'm going to go color with Flynn. He deserves my company more than you right now" I snapped before turning on my heel and walking back to the dining room.

"Aspen" Alex called after me and I heard him sigh.

"Flynn, Alex and I are going to stay here with you!" I said with a big smile.

"Yay! We can keep coloring!" He jumped up and hugged my legs, before he dragged me back to the dining table.

I don't know what happened to Alex but I didn't hear from him for another thirty minutes.

"Aspen can I talk to you for a second?" He asked from the archway. I turned to face him. He looked at me with an apologetic look in his eyes.

I nodded before I turned back to Flynn. "I'll be right back okay?" I smiled sweetly at him, dropping my crayon and getting up.

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