15~ Scavenger hunt

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"No I swear I will murder you!" Larissa squealed as I chased her around the kitchen with a bowl of icing.

We were making cupcakes and I was bored.

"I promise I won't intentionally get icing all over you" I said innocently.

"That's what you said last time and I believed you" she squealed.

"You girls sound like your having fun." Dad laughed as he grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"Help me, Dad #2!" She dodged me and hid behind my dad.

He chuckled and stepped out of my way. "Sorry Lar you're by yourself on this one."

"Mama Chris!" She called as she continued to hide behind random objects.

"You girls" she rolled her eyes laughing at us.

The oven beeped and we made a truce. I may or may not have still got icing on her cheek.

We iced them cupcakes and messed around.

"Hey do you mind if Del comes over? I really want you two to get to know each other and I know you probably want to hang with only me-" she put a hand over my mouth to stop my rambling.

"Of course she can come over. I would love to get to know her" Lar smiled at me.

I pulled out my phone and texted Del to come over. She was here in only a couple minutes.

"Not to worry guys I am here" Del strutted into the kitchen making both of us laugh.

"What should we do?" I asked sitting myself on the kitchen counter.

"I don't know, what did you do in Kansas?" Del asked as she leaned against the counter beside me.

"You up for a little scavenger hunt?" Larry said evilly while she rubbed her hands together in a weird way.

"We should invite the boys so the teams are even" I suggested.

They both agreed and I called Alex and texted Parker just to make sure everyone knew.

"Sav's coming to make it even." I said.

We grabbed every we needed and Del drove us to the mall. The boys were meeting us there.

"Of course they get here early just to go to the food court" Del rolled her eyes at the sight of the boys stuffing their faces with food.

"You guys are pigs." She walks up to them and sits by Briar. Not even a second later she's stole his fries.

"And they're the pigs" I said sarcastically. "Larry this is Savannah Jasper's girlfriend. Sav this is my bestie, Larissa"

"Nice to meet you" they both smiled at one another before laughing at their synchronization.

We sat and talked for a little bit while the boys finished their food.

"We need to pick teams" Lar spoke up. "I call dibs on Pine tree"

"I get Ash!" Alex almost yelled.

"Parker you're ours" I said to him. He kept his gaze on his food, which he hadn't touched since we got here, and nodded.

"We're stealing Jasper" Ash called grabbed his chair and scooted it closer to him as his territory.

"Briar" Parker said.

"Del" Jasper looked Briar in the eye as if he was challenging him.

"Sav" Briar shot back keeping his eyes on Jasper.

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