Author's Note

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Footprints on Sand is a fanfic based off of 4lions' IPKKND which I started on IF on July 15th, 2013. However, due to certain reasons, I ended up taking off the prologue and five chapters posted in a span of three months off of IF and had the thread deleted. 

In the past seven+ years, I hadn't forgotten about FOS and its audience at the time of posting it. It's been one of the closest fanfics to my heart however it has taken almost these many years for me to be able to come back and repost these.

 I had intended to fully post FOS on my blog however after logging into my account, I found out that some chapters have not been restored properly. As of now, despite having written the first five chapters, I no longer have access to those chapters therefore besides the prologue, everything will be rewritten, not reposted.

If you've had the distinct pleasure of being able to read FOS when it was on IF and remember the details present at that time; I hope you're able to accept the re-narration of this piece.

Footprints on Sand is also accessible here;

Happy Reading :]

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