Three: Clouds

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Deviyani sat up and leaned back against the headboard. It still hadn't been whole two weeks since the house last rang with laughter. She had seen her grandson speak to his wife in a tone so soft, that he hadn't ever used with his sister. And Khushi betiya, her face had been glowing the entire week.

Khushi had been dear to Deviyani since the moment the girl had gotten up to give her a glass of water after Anjali had brought her to her room with a handful of saris. She had also served well when Deviyani had tricked the girl into revealing the details about ever-elusive Miss Khyshap to her. It was then when she had noticed the anger this girl evoked in her grandson as he sat across from her on the breakfast table, that she had decided that this one was perfect for her Chotte. Arnav had always been prone to being angry but the facade of anger he would often hide below was shallow anger. His anger at Khushi however, it had rattled his expressions completely. It was when Anjali had unintentionally brought Khushi to the house that she saw what she had thought she was mistaken about. Arnav was warming up to Khushi after all. For the time being, she had made peace with the idea that even though Khushi wouldn't be the first person Anjali would consider for Arnav, at least her influence on Lavanya would leave an imprint of her presence amongst them behind. However, fate had other plans. To say she was pleasantly surprised to see their Chotte dancing with Khushi at Akash's sangeet would be an understatement.

She had wanted to formally ask for Khushi's hand after Khushi betiya had fainted on the day of the havan but before things could move forward as is, Arnav had come home with Khushi as his wife by the end of the next week. It had hurt her beyond belief to see Khushi go along with the plans of her grandson. To disrespect the sanctity of rituals, by eloping. But eventually, those qualms were put to rest as well when the two took phere. It had been the anger the Khushi provoked in him that she was scared of when their Chotte had shown up at the venue, ready to get married. She had asked him, whether he was sure of never using the past as an excuse to cause any harm to Khushi. Chotte had replied with wanting to forget it all.

Her hand rested on her forehead as the memories of her grandson's relationship clouded her thoughts. She could still remember, clear as a day when she had seen him try to fry jalebis for his wife in the kitchen. When he adopted a younger boy by declaring that he had promised her that he'll take care of him regardless. It had concerned her, that his ability to gel well with Aarav might be hindered by the promise he was making his wife, but he had proven to be a kinder, more gentle, and attentive father than anyone had ever hoped for him to be.

Managing their Chotte since the children's mother's death has always weighed upon Deviyani. It was different to be a grandmother, but to be present and fill in the void that Ratna would've otherwise been the one to fill in her grandchildren's lives was a responsibility that she often second-guessed herself in. Khushi betiya, had the gift of pushing their Chotte to be kinder, happier, and most importantly calmer than he ever was before. To see their relationship scatter in minutes had been painful. She couldn't fathom how painful it must be for the girl herself. She looked over, to see her clutching onto her own hand whilst asleep. She had been muttering his name last night during sleep.

She sighed, finally getting up. The sun had barely begun to rise and the streaks of the pinkish hues indicating its presence were enough for her to think about beginning her day.

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