Chapter 8: Confrontation and The Truth

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Annabeth Chase's POV: 

Percy and I went to lunch after our fourth block, Math. Thankfully, I didn't see Isabel, Alex, Lily, or Liam anywhere. I was kind of nervous they would go ballistic after the whole incident, but it seems worse than I thought. They didn't even bother showing up. Meanwhile, Percy and I exchanged tentative nervous conversations about how they would probably murder us. We have a plan, I reminded myself, and they've never failed me before. Well, except for t-the p-p-pit. I drew the thought away from my mind so I wouldn't be drowned in the endless darkness and cold memories. It's not like the plan was good, but it wasn't like we had any choice. We had to come clean eventually. There was nothing we could do. 

It was already around halfway through lunch, and I was nervous that the gang wouldn't ever show up, and just decided they would assume conclusions. I took a deep breath as four people entered the cafeteria. Over the loud noises and crowds sitting around, I couldn't actually tell who it was. But I knew, somehow, that it was Liam, Isabel, Alex, and Lily. They took long strides over to our table, before sitting down, all with smug looks on their faces except Liam. (A/N: so happy I made one nice OC lol) I looked at Percy nervously before looking my friends in the eye. No way would I cower now. I had faced Greek Hell and I wasn't going to let a few mortals mess with me, even if they were my friends. Percy had the same look in his eyes, not yet angry, but on edge. 

"Hey, guys!" Liam started. He seemed down, which was weird because he was always upbeat. I guess they all knew what was coming. We all said hello, and I noticed extra bitterness in Lily's greeting. Her dark brown eyes flashed annoyed before returning to her regular blank state. 

I glanced at Percy once more, and he nodded as if to say, go ahead, they should know. I reluctantly gave a small nod back. "Okay, guys, we know you have questions. Spill," I said, not letting my confidence wither under the glares. Immediately, tons of questions rained out of everyone, some confused, some angry, and some disappointed. "One at a time, please," I said, feeling like I was teaching first graders. 

"Alright, me first," Alex--who was glowering-- started, "Where did both of you learn to be so good at speaking Greek?" When he said this, I was honestly confused. That was his question, of all things? Easy. 

"Oh, um, my mom is Greek and Percy's dad is, so we learned the language," I said. It technically wasn't a lie, so I was confident in my answer. That also seemed to satisfy them on why my relationship with my mom was so disastrous, and why they had never met her. Great, another question they might bring up. Ughhhhh. 

"Alright, me next. Percy, what's that small scar on your cheek from?" It was Isabel. Dam the stupid mist, not covering our battle scars. The odds really aren't in my favor today. (Little Hunger Games anyone?) Percy wasn't fazed though and delved into a very convincing dog attack story. It was based on the hellhound attack at camp when he first arrived, so he was pretty comfortable telling it, seeing as it was mostly true. Although, Isabel and Liam didn't look at all convinced, which left me puzzled. I mean, even I couldn't really see through his lie, other than the fact that I was there and knew what actually happened. 

The rest of the lunch period consisted of Percy and me switching off to answer questions. Apparently, we were doing really bad cover work. Some of the questions were understandable, about things like Percy's tattoo, and more about how we speak Greek even outside of class. However, some were ridiculous, asking about Percy's "pen", Riptide, and how we sometimes looked annoyed when learning about Greek monsters. That one was hard to answer, but we used the half-greek excuse again and that seemed to be good enough. 

When there were only about five minutes of lunch left, I thought we got lucky, and they wouldn't talk about where we live. But I should've known otherwise. I watched closely as they glanced at each other, playing a silent game of shot-not. I could tell there was one last question, and that they knew whoever asked it would be on our bad side, which was true. But I would really go after Lily because if she hadn't offered to walk Alex over, everything would be fine. 

"So, anyone else, or should we leave?" I said, knowing they would speak up at this, afraid to lose their chance. I waited as Alex took a deep breath nervously. Why's he nervous, we're the ones getting interrogated about our lives?! He repeated that same motion a few times, hoping someone else would save his sorry butt. Unfortunately, before he could stall anymore, I could see him gathering confidence, putting on a smirk, and opening his big mouth to speak.

"Percy- you know that Lily came to your house in search of answers, but couldn't get anything because she was kicked out. What you don't know is that at that same time, I was heading to the address I thought was Annabeth's house, where she lives with her dad." I stiffen up at the mention of my father, and everyone notices. Alex pauses before continuing with, "On the way, I saw Lily walking home from somewhere, and she asked where I was going. I told her and she offered to walk me. But when we appeared outside of the house, we saw what I found out was Percy's house, thanks to Lily. So, where do you both really live, huh?" He finished, still looking annoyingly smug and happy about this. 

"Well," I started, but I just couldn't bring myself to say it. I nodded to Percy who immediately understood what to do. 

"First of all, don't ever mention Annabeth's dad again. They don't have a very good relationship, so Annabeth moved out." I noticed him go slightly pale as he finished, "So now, Annabeth lives with," He paused. "My mom and I." Percy stopped talking to see how everyone reacted. Liam didn't seem too bad, Isabel was slightly upset, and Lily was pretty angry.

But Alex was........

A/N: PLEASE READ THIS: Hey everyone! I hope you loved this as much as I do, even though the writing isn't good. PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE comment! Do you want to see a specific scene or even a demigod reveal? Pls, help! Also, if I were to start another book shortly (not ending this one!) what would you want it to be? HP/PJO? PJO one shots/x readers? PJO/kotLC? Anything? Thanks for reading!

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