Chapter 38- Pulse

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Lance POV

Taking a step back away from the now hung up painting. I couldn't help myself but remember how happy Stella was when she had finished this painting. Even if her back and wrist killed her.

I never understood Stellas obsession with stars. But when I had once asked she had replied its a sky full of dreams.

A first person view of the dark stary sky, surrounded by the tall forest trees. She had said it was something she had seen on her travels. The image constantly replaying in her dreams, she took it as a sign and painted it.

This painting had been stored away for too long, along with its memories. Maybe Kayla was right. These paintings really hold the comfort we never knew we needed.


Kaylas POV

I found myself smiling everytime I walked down the stairs to see Moms painting hung up in all its glory. The dark sky full with stars. I had even found myself exiting my room more then often just so I could see it again and again. And it's only but not even one day.

"Kayla are you ready to go?" Gavin stood over by the front door. Spinning his keys around his index finger.

"But it's still early?" I questioned.

"No its not, you just took your time." Harvey said as he walked out of the kitchen. Slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"I haven't even had any breakfast?" Looking between the both of them they shared a look.

"Don't worry, I got this." Ethan was next to come out of the kitchen. In his hand was a wrapped tissue.

Taking the wrapped tissue from Ethan there was two slices of toast hidden in it. I couldn't help myself but smile at his thoughtfulness.

"Now that we have that sorted let's get going." Gavin was quick to open the door as if he was in a rush. Harvey following behind.

"Hey! I said I was driving today!" Tara was next to join us. Waving her hands like a crazy person at Gavin as he rushed to leave the house.

"I'm not late am I?" I whisper to Ethan.

Ethan glances from the front door to me. "No your not."

I knew it.

"Gavin I'll tell Dad!" Tara rushed behind.

"Thanks for the toast by the way." I lightly smiled. Walking the same pace as Ethan as we go outside.

"I just wanted to make sure you had breakfast today." Ethan smiled.

"Gavin open the door!" Our attention was brought to a shouting Tara. Who pulled at the drivers car door. Clearly Gavin had locked himself in.

Harvey stood away just watching as it all played out. Joining him, it looked like we would he here for a while until someone etheir gives up or intervenes.

"Gavin I told you I was dropping them to school plus you could of had a lie in." Tara had given up on trying to open the car door. Her arms were now crossed over her chest.

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