Chapter 10- One sip turns into many

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(A/N- Please drink responsibly)

Kaylas POV

My phone wouldn't stop dinging and it's never like this. I was just trying to watch some netflix in peace. It was Gabby texting the group that she made. For the four of us.

Today she made us all transfer numbers and then she set up a group chat. She was going over final details or whatever.

We were all going to India's house for pre drinks and to get ready. Then we would head to the party.

I'm not going to lie for a girl that stays in the shadows I have gone to some amount of party's. That's the thing some people just invite everyone so their party is the biggest of the year some even go on to ask other schools to come.

You may ask has my brothers ever caught me at a party? Nope. They are too tied up in their bubbles to notice I'm at the party aswell getting absolutely shit faced.

'Famous last words...'

I wouldn't even be surprised if my family didn't even notice my disappearance.

As I make my way downstairs for this unnecessary family dinner that we do every night. This time when I came in, everyone is already seated. Looks like we are having pizza tonight.

I sit down in my place everyone is already eating. I take a slice eating it. Usually I don't eat before drinking but I'm starving so...

"Boys make sure tonight there is no drinking and I mean it." Dad saids out of no where eating a couple of chips.

"Why? Where are they going?" Gavin asks.

"They asked me last night to go to a party and I said they could go as long as there was no drinking." Dad saids.

I look between Ethan and Harvey they are both looking at Gavin who has a sly smirk on his face but instantly wipes it off when he turns back to Dad.

"Is Kayla not going?"

Why is he not asking me that himself? But yet he needs to say infront of everyone.

"No. I'm not Gavin. You could of asked me." I rolled my eyes feeling my appetite slowly slip away.

"Shes going to a friends house." Louise adds taking a sip of her wine.

"You have friends?" Bobby questions.

"Yes I do."

"But I never see you play with them." He adds. A few snickers are heard around the table while Louise stares adoringly at her son.

"I'm a bit old for that." I sit back in my seat not really feeling hungry anymore.

A tension grows in the room.

"Gavin can you drop them two off and pick them up?" Dad asks. He has already had some wine so he can't drive.

"Sure." Gavin saids.

"Kayla how are you getting to your friends?" Louise asks.

"My two legs."

"Why don't you get a lift off of Gavin it's much safer and I'm sure you would rather not walk." She adds. Is this woman crazy? My brothers eyes turn to me waiting for my answer as if I want to be stuck in a car with them.

"No I would actually very much like to walk." I give her a smile. I look down at my wrist. "Would you look at the time. I have to get going or I will be late." I stand up.

"Kayla your not even wearing a watch plus you haven't ate anything." Dad saids.

I shrug. "Not hungry this conversation made me lose my appetite." I mumbled the last part as I bring my plate over to the counter.

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