06 || Best Friend Issues

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"I'm not getting in that," she snorts as we meet my sports car

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"I'm not getting in that," she snorts as we meet my sports car.

"It's a car, Bri," I groan in frustration, "And it can carry only two people, and you happen to be right next to me, so just get in the car and let me drive you home," I protest and she rolls her eyes.

"It looks like all those weirdo cars in Fast and Furious," She groans.

"Okay, firstly those cars aren't weirdo cars, and I'm a millionaire--," God I don't boast about my cars, that's Aaron's job, "And that's why I drive this," I run my hand over my face. I can't believe I'm explaining the reason why I drive a freaking sports car.

"Right, you don't have to keep explaining, I'm getting in your damn car," she snorts as I get the door for her.

"I can get the damn door by myself, this is the problem with men!" She yells to no one in particular.

Once I'm in the driver's seat, and I hit drive, Celine Dion starts singing, My Heart Will Go On. It's all going great, until the chorus and Brittany's knuckles and her entire body starts to turn white and she turns off the music, exhaling a rush of breath.

"I'm sorry....I-- my Mom loved that song," she mutters more to herself than me but I hear her anyway.

"You were visiting her?" I ask and she winces. Great, not talking about that. I've been around Liz enough to know not to talk about the dead. "Right, sorry," I mumble and I think I feel her relax. Finally.

"My Mom died a couple of years ago," she starts.

"You don't have to tell me--,"

"No, it's fine.....I mean, who better to talk about this other than the guy who I recently fucked and who won't leave me alone,"

"Okay, that's fair," I grin at her and a small smile spreads across her face. A freaking smile.

"My Mom was using, I don't know what it was, but yeah," She pauses. "I found her dead, in the bathtub after she overused, or overdosed or whatever the fucking doctors called it," She slaps a hand over her face. "Now I just realized I don't want to talk about it,"

Well.... shit got dark fast. I wasn't expecting that.

"I get it, you think I'm fucked up, that's why Jodie is the only one who knows the mess that is apparently called my life," she laughs. It's a pretty sarcastic sound.

"That's not what I'm thinking, I actually think you're strong, you know, going through all that shit and still smiling. I mean I have both parents so I've never really felt what it's like to be without them," I explain and she sucks in a sharp breath.

She's silent for most of the drive. Not saying anything, just giving me directions and moving her head to the jazz playing on the radio, and it's starting to freak me out, honestly.

A Heart Like This (Mature Jocks Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now