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I'd followed her

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I'd followed her.

When school was over and she'd left immediately, I ditched home and followed her. She'd worn a polka dot blue and white dress today, and a pair of tan flats. I don't know why I paid so much attention to her clothes. Probably because she's really nice and pretty.

My mom was probably looking for and she'd find me eventually, because she's Mom. My Dad was away for a hockey game, but I got to FaceTime with him every night. I'd missed him, and I couldn't wait for the season to be over so that we could hang out and play hockey together.

After walking into the woods, following her footsteps, I'd finally found her. Lily was seated at the edge of the stream, her knees close to her chest and her arms wrapped around herself. She doesn't notice me until I sit next to hear, finally getting the reason why she came her. It's quiet, and it's October so it's cold. The stream is beautiful, quiet......like a place for freedom I guess.

Just as I attemptted to speak up, she beat me to it.
"How did you know the difference between Rose and I?" She had asked, immediately aware of my presence.

"Your eyes and hair are um......different," I told her and a small smile appeared on her face. She made me nervous.

"What are the colors?"

"Um...." I started. "Your blonde hair is darker than Rose's, and your eyes are really pretty, I love the amber," She smiled again, this a really huge smile accompanied by rose pink cheeks. "Rose's eyes are dim, I guess," She laughed. I've gathered a little stuff about the Cole twins, they don't always get along, and Rose is always mean to Lily. Which hurts me a lot. Lily is really nice and she deserves nice things said to her. 

"I didn't even know the color of my eyes," she giggled, revealing her gap tooth. "Amber sounds really pretty," she beamed and I giggled joining her, creating rounds of laughter.

"Amber is a really pretty color," I told her and she nods, staring at the water again.

"Did you believe mermaids are real?" She asked after a moment of silence. I'd heard of mermaids amongst girls in class, Mom also watched a lot of Disney AKA The Little Mermaid, so yeah....I've heard of those, but I don't think they're real. I don't know.

"Do you?" I'd asked instead, afraid to make her sad by telling her I didn't believe.

"Do you want to know a story?" Now she sounded full on excited, and I couldn't help but grin at her.

"Tell me," I scooted closer to her, and she finally unwrapped her arms from around her legs.

"My Daddy told me a story about this stream," She'd started, her eyes on her short finger nails. "There was once a mermaid with long flowing red hair and a silver tail, she was pretty and the fishes loved her, every full moon, she'd come out of the stream, and she'd dance, she'd never let anyone see her, but from her hair strands and silver scales on the bank of the stream, humans will know that she danced the night before," She'd smiled.

A Heart Like This (Mature Jocks Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now